Berkman Center for Internet & Society.


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What does the application process require?
1. The application form includes a description of the project, a resume, a reference, and related experience.
2. If necessary, an interview with a panel comprising students, faculty, and staff.

What type of proposal do I need to apply?
Students should apply with a definite project in mind, a clear plan for exploring it, and a method for presenting it to others and on the Student Think Tank website.

What if I don't have a definite project in mind? Can I still apply?
Absolutely. The Berkman Center has put together a (still-growing) idea bank that lists possible areas of exploration. Look over the list and see if anything inspires you. Also feel free to come in and talk to the faculty or staff of the Berkman Center to work through some possibilities.

According to what criteria will the applications be evaluated?
In no order, we will be looking for:
1. The innovativeness of the core idea.
2. The creativity and ingenuity of (a) the method of exploration and (b) the method of final presentation.
3. The commitment of applicant to the project and the Student Think Tank generally.
4. The diverse background, talents, and perspectives the applicant brings to the project.

Can I apply as a team with another person?
Yes - in fact, we encourage team applications.

Can I write my third-year paper as part of my Student Think Tank work?
Yes. Again, we encourage proposals in conjunction with third-year papers. If possible, we will try to match students with interested professors who could act as advisers to their third-year papers.

Is the Student Think Tank open only to law school students?
Not at all! We welcome applications from interested students in any field. In fact, we hope to bring together diverse expertise and perspectives in the Student Think Tank.

What type of product do I need to produce at the end of my involvement with the Student Think Tank?
In keeping with the open and fluid nature of the web and the Berkman Center's commitment to multiple modes of expression, we welcome a wide spectrum of modes for presentation of the final product. Some examples we have thought of include: a paper, a website, a web-based resource guide, a series of poems, a conference with a briefing book or accompanying website, a working meeting with a briefing book or accompanying website. This list is by no means exhaustive. If you have a particular vision for how you would like to communicate your idea, go with it.

What is the duration of the commitment?
Two semesters. Students selected in the fall semester will continue through the spring. Students selected in the spring semester will continue in the fall of the following academic year.

Are there other responsibilities besides creating a final project?
Yes. At least once each semester, every student will present his or her work-in-progress to the rest of the participants and to affiliated Berkman Center staff and faculty. We anticipate meeting approximately once a month. Each presenter is responsible for sending out a précis in advance of the presentation to all participants; in turn, participants are asked to prepare a short written response, with an eye towards constructive criticism for the presenter. We hope that this will engender a dynamic space in which students, faculty, and Berkman Center staff will think creatively together about interesting issues of Internet and law, contributing to each other's research and thought processes.

Is there a stipend?
Yes. The stipend is $350 per semester.  This amount is in addition to any reasonable expenses the implementation of your project may entail. 

Last modified June 27, 2003.

The Berkman Center for Internet & Society