ILaw Videos
This page contains a list of videos from presentations given by Berkman Faculty at past iLaws.
Click the image for a collection of short videos which include prediction for and explanations of the internet from 2004's iLaw seminar from Professors Yochai Benkler, Terry Fisher, Larry Lessig, and Jonathan Zittrain.
Jonathan Zittrain
Jonathan Zittrain anticipates changes to the Internet regarding quality of service, accounting & traffic management, encryption & security, and authentication.
Zittrain describes the need for new security measures and potential effects on Internet neutrality.
Jonathan Zittrain discusses potential changes in hardware and how they will affect control of content.
On how the internet works.
Lawrence Lessig
Lawrence Lessig illustrates four types of regulation, emphasizing the way the architecture of the Internet serves as a regulatory force.
Yochai Benkler
Yochai Benkler discusses the shift from the 150 year trend of concentration and commercialization of information production to the Internet's open, collaborative system of production.
William Fisher
William Fisher discusses pre-digital copyright law and the Fair Use doctrine.