Publications and Interactive Media

  • Action Framework, Open Economies
  • Digital Entrepreneurship and Innovation: A Framework for Policy, Legal and Regulatory Action. January 2002. Prepared by Open Economies for the World Economic Forum, this preliminary report suggests specific proposals for research necessary to develop sustainable incentives for technology based enterprises.
  • Potential Liability Concerns for an Open Content Exchange Network, DOT Force Report. March, 2002. Proposals to develop a P2P network to bring useful and freely available content to rural areas raises a number of liability issues.
  • DOT Force Report. May 11, 2001. This report presents action steps to be taken to accelerate progress. The product of an unprecedented working group of NGO leaders, business leaders, and both G8 governments and a number of other cooperating governments. The report will become the official submission of the DOT Force to the G8 Summit meeting in late July, 2001. Highly important report, depending upon the level at which the G8 nations adopt and fund it's recommendations.
  • Closing the Digital Divide. March 2000. Policy Action Team 15. An overview of Great Britain's ICT ownership, use, and access, with recommendations and possible implementation plans.
  • Let's focus on the digital dividend. Dr. C.K. Prahalad. Ownership of computers is not necessary, nor is formal education. What is necessary is email in local languages, multimedia, voice recognition. Also, the internet must be made appealing - pure education will not draw anyone to it.