"A new framework for the analysis of solutions for privacy-enhanced Internet commerce", Carlos Osorio, The Journal for e-Commerce Tools and Applications, Volume 1, Issue 1. 2001. "Electronic Commerce in Africa" Geoffrey Kirkman, Managing Director, ITG with Lisa D. Cook, Africa Competitiveness Report 2000, Center for International Development at Harvard University and the World Economic Forum, June 21, 2000."Subtract The Divide" Geoffrey Kirkman, Managing Director, ITG, and Jeffrey Sachs, Director, CID. Published in WorldLink magazine, January/February 2001 "Networked Readiness of Tamil Nadu" Colin Maclay, Deputy Director, ITG, with Mridul Chowdhury, Research Assistant, ITG. "Readiness for a Networked World: A Guide for Developing Countries" Prepared by ITG with the support of IBM.