We are pleased
to announce our new home at the Berkman Center for Internet & Society
at Harvard Law School.
After four productive and rewarding years at the Center for International Development at Harvard University (CID), where we forged new ground in the field of ICTs for development, we have moved to the Berkman Center. Our decision to move came due to the combination of recent organizational changes and personnel departures at CID and our growing affinity and commonality of purpose with our colleagues at Berkman. We are excited to be part of the growing numbers of researchers and practitioners at Berkman specifically dedicated to issues of ICTs internationally. Our work on Networked Readiness will continue to grow and will greatly benefit from the work of our colleagues at Berkman, as well as from our ongoing partnerships with other research institutes at Harvard. We remain committed to our collaborative research approach, as we maintain our working relationships with governments, international organizations, the private sector, NGOs and other universities. Within our new Berkman website, under our new name of the International Technologies Group, we hope that you will find our library of publications and the information about our ongoing and past projects helpful to your own work. And as always, we hope that you will be in touch with us with your feedback, ideas on collaboration or information your projects and research. Geoffrey S.
Kirkman Colin M. Maclay |