
From The Internet: Issues at the Frontier (course wiki)
Revision as of 09:39, 15 April 2009 by Danray (talk | contribs)
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Here's where the scheduling happens. No need to claim a day landrush-style; just add in what day your guests have said they're available.

Monday (5-7pm) Presenters' names Topic name Guests (confirmed) Guests (not yet confirmed)
This is a sample line.
9-Feb Ayelet, Aaron Free and Open Source Software Benjami Mako Hill
16-Feb Graham, Mark Internet and Social Inequity Eszter Hargittai
23-Feb Debbie, Shubham, and Matt Old Laws/New Media Prof. Charles Nesson
2-Mar Mel, Elana, Rainer All Together Now For Great Justice Dot Org Ethan Zuckerman, Nicco Mele
2-Mar Jason & Michelle Tools: Twitter in the Classroom
9-Mar Dharmishta Rood & Jon Fildes The Future of News Russ Stanton, Jeff Jarvis
16-Mar Joe & Miriam The Future of (c) & Entertainment Stacey Lynn Schulman Various artists
30-Mar Jason & Michelle Tools: Seesmic
30-Mar Gwen, Jon, Lee The Google Book Search Settlement Prof. John Palfrey, Jeffrey Cunard (remote), Allan A. Ryan
6-Apr Dan Ray, Joshua Gruenspecht, & Conor Kennedy The Increasingly Inaccurately Named Class on Anonymity & Privacy Colin Maclay, Andrew McLaughlin
13-Apr Andrew Klaber & David Levine The Internet, Industry and Investing Peter Thiel Peter Thiel (PayPal founder, Facebook early investor, Clarium Capital hedge fund founder, The Founders Fund venture capital founder)
20-Apr Vera Ranieri & Arjun Mehra Internet Governance & Regulation Milton Mueller of the Internet Governance Project
27-Apr Elisabeth Theodore & Matthew Wansley Prediction Markets Justin Wolfers Hal Varian