IP Profile of non-profit companies in EM-K12

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Research Questions

  • What are the 5 to 10 biggest non-profit companies in this field?
  • How is the market distributed?
  • Where are they located? Are there any incentives for specific locations?
  • Correlate them with their main outputs (Data, Narratives, Tools)
  • Understand and identify cases where these companies are “experimenting” or “adopting” commons-based approaches
  • Identify these cases and treat them as entities that will also be placed in our mapping device (the quadrants)
  • Identify what non-profits are the “Microsofts” of the field and what companies are the “IBMs” of the field. (Use the questionnaire to guide your research when appropriate - Carol will select specific relevant and helpful questions)


Bibliography for Item 7 in EM
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