Module 7 - Self-Help, Free Software, Privacy-Enhancing Technologies, and Crytography

This module explores the relationship between “open code” and Internet privacy, presents a survey of commonly available privacy enhancing technologies, and introduces cryptography as a vital tool for preserving online privacy and anonymity. Lawrence Lessig developed a framework for understanding the laws of cyberspace in his books, Code and Other Laws of Cyberspace and The Future of Ideas. Under this framework, how we interact in cyberspace results from a confluence of government-made law, social norms, market influences, and architecture (or code). This module focuses particularly on the last of these forces: code. It will examine how the open source model of code production creates an architecture which enables Internet users to interact, publish and receive information, and engage in commerce, without compromising their privacy rights.

This module was researched and written by Adam Kessel.

Next: Open Code...

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