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== The universal tag is "Berkmanat10"
If you like, you may also "Berkman" (e.g. on Twitter, where character space is limited)==
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- Pose questions here:
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- irc:// (Twitter feeds @BerkmanCenter)
Facebook Group
- Coming to the conference? Join our Facebook Group!
- Become a fan of the Berkman Center at our Facebook Page
- Use tag "berkmanat10" on Flickr
Flickr Group
- Use the hashtag #berkman (put #berkman into your Tweet, and follow @hashtags). See the feed at
- Yes, the conference haa a Twitter identity! @BerkmanCenter
- Monitor @BerkmanCenter Twitter feeds at irc://
Suggested wrap-up session in final unconference slot: Backchannel dynamics and mapping the conferencesphere
Second Life
YouTube Channel