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Re: [dvd-discuss] Re: Sen. Hollings planstointroduceDMCAsequel: The SSSCA

Jeme A Brelin wrote:

> Self-defense doesn't involve agression.  I'm not going to stop you from
> taking boxing lessons just because I know you want to beat me up.

Yes but self defense doesn't mean I have to wait for you to pull the
trigger before I try to knock the gun from your hand.   As for your
specific example, I would certainly get a restraining order -- and if
could get a judge prevent you from obtain a concealed weapons permit I
sure would.  (Oh no! I've infringed on your sovereign rights! 

I guess I did understand you and profoundly disagree.  Had we stopped
WWII at the German border, we would have had to fight it again and
again.  When evil despots rule a nation, status quo ante doesn't cut
it.   Would you argue that the ongoing holocaust in Germany was a
"purely internal matter" (to quote ditactors and despot throughout the
cold war)?  Look at the post-Gulf-war mess leaving Sadam Hussein intact. 

We've tried it both ways.  While you protest that the defeat of Japan
and Germany (and our remaking them as democracies) has established our
"hegemony" -- do you really think it morally and historically inferior
our leaving the Gulf war unfinished?  I think you'll find that most
Germans and Japanese prefer their current democracies (even flawed ones)
to the militaristic, expansionsist, imperialist, and facist WWII

With dismayed regards,
