last updated 07.08.98_12:33am_EST

Dedicated to Hailei Ge.

Selections from the Digital China/Harvard conference transcripts have been posted... check out What's New? below!

The mission of Digital China/Harvard is to build an internet-mediated educational channel with China. The March 5-6 Digital China/Harvard conference was the inaugural event for our broader effort to engage the Internet, to project it globally, and to do so with both respect for the individual and respect for communal space.

If this is your first visit to the Digital China/Harvard site, please take a moment to read Professor Nesson's introduction to our project. And if you're a student of Chinese descent at Harvard, please also take a look at the request for stories to be posted at this site.

While you're here, use the navigation bar at the top of the page to maneuver through the site... the left-hand side of the navigation bar will guide you through the site: the right-hand side of the navigation bar will lead you to other sites with which the Digital China/Harvard project is associated.(Please also note that we are currently working on making the site's content available in both English and Chinese.)

Listen to clips of Professor Charles Nesson reading Eric Liu's acclaimed new book, The Accidental Asian:
Chapter 1: Fear of a Yellow Planet, Chapter 2: Variations on a Theme. Buy this book from Barnes and Noble or Amazon.

Recent updates (May 5, 1998): An online comment form has been added; it should appear in a separate window right when you enter the Digital China/Harvard site. Please take a moment to look it over.

Selections from the conference transcripts have been posted; please take a look!Likewise, several news articles have been added to our In the News page, a recently as May 8th! And if you attended the March 5-6 conference, please read Professor Charles Nesson's request for conference feedback!

Keep up with important news about China.
Learn more about the Digital China/Harvard project and the Center for Internet and Society at Harvard Law School.
Discover the recent Opium War film, and learn the history of the conflict that led to the colonization of Hong Kong.
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Webmaster: Gabriel Meister ...
with many thanks to Jie Liang