Techreg: Mechanics

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Seminar: Advanced Topics in Intellectual Property and Technology Regulation

  • Monday 5:40 - 8:40, 94 Cargill

This seminar is an intensive study of intellectual property law, particularly copyright, and its intersection with technology. To what extent does copyright regulate technology development? To what extent should it? We'll be using the technology, along with a variety of readings, to explore the challenges.


30% Participation, 70% Final paper / project

You are expected to participate both in class and online, through postings to the course weblog.

In Class: You are expected to attend each class prepared to discuss the required readings. Additional materials, marked optional, may be listed for further exploration.

Online: You will be asked to contribute to the course weblog by posting and by making comments on classmates' posts. You may post items analyzing readings, asking questions, answering questions in the readings, calling attention to relevant items in the news, or brainstorming and seeking input for your final papers (a non-exclusive list). As a ballpark figure, you should aim to post or comment at least once a week.

Final Paper / Project: Each of you will have the opportunity (and obligation) to compete a final research paper of 10-15 pages or a project of similar scale and academic rigor. I will be happy to meet with you to discuss topic selection and to review intermediate drafts, and will ask you to present some of your findings to the class during the semester.