Copyright: News and views

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  • MDY Industries v. Blizzard - Developer of World of Warcraft (popular online role-playing game) trying to use contributory and vicarious infringement arguments (and the DMCA) to go after the maker of a bot that allows users to cheat in the game. MDY originally was seeking a declaratory judgment that they were not violating any of Blizzard's rights - copyright or otherwise - then Blizzard counterclaimed.
  • Her Gap suit: Jeweler sues retailer over ‘stolen’ design, The Brooklyn Paper, April 14, 2007
    • Neighborhood copyright story...
      • what's wrong with this photo caption?' "Designer Kate Cusack, seen here in her Brooklyn Heights studio, is suing the Gap for allegedly stealing her ideas."




  • DJ Drama Arrested over Mixtapes,, Jan. 17, 2007
    • Of particular interest after today's discussion on derivative works.
    • Long discussion at , including warrants that allege not a copyright-based arrest, but a state law allegation of failure to comply with Georgia's labeling law.
