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Questions for Coders
- What is the name and URL of the blog?
- What is the date of the first blog post?
- Is the blogger identified by name? If so, what is the name of the blogger/s?
- Is the host male or female?
- What is the blogger's occupation?
- What is the blogger's stated political party affiliation? Does the state party affiliation appear to be real?
- Where on the following scale of political ideology would you place this blogger? ( very conservative << conservative << somewhat conservative << neutral >> somewhat liberal >> liberal >> very liberal)
- How many of the posts on this blog are about the politics or the election? ( only a few >> less than half >> about half >> more that half >> nearly all )
- On average, how many blog posts were made in the last seven days?
- Which of the following does the blogger talk about? [election, economy, education, abortion/reproductive rights, terrorism, taxes, Iran, others (specify)]
- Does the blogger post entries about his/her local community?
- Does the blog allow comments? If so, how many comments on average have the last five posts received? (None, a few [1-5], average [5-20], above average [21-50], a lot [more than 50]