Prize Examples
Apps for Healthy Kids
This USDA-sponsored prize challenged software developers to build software tools and games to motive children to develop healthy habits.
Aspen Prize for Community College Excellence
This annual prize from the Aspen Institute aims "to recognize community colleges with outstanding academic and workforce outcomes in both absolute performance and improvements over time."
Battle of the Buildings
The EPA sponsors this annual prize to reward commercial buildings that reduce energy consumption.
Community Health Data Initiative
The Department of Health and Human Services publishes health-related data sets and sponsors "[c]ompetitions regarding how communities can innovate to improve health performance."
Health 2.0 Developer Challenge
With support from the Department of Health and Human Services, this project sponsors a range of challenges and code-a-thons to promote health care innovation.
MIT Clean Energy Prize
In partnership with the Department of Energy and NSTAR, MIT coordinates this recurring competition to support energy innovation and entrepreneurship.
NASA Centennial Challenges
NASA hosts a range of challenges aimed at solving technical challenges and encouraging participation from students, independent teams, and other public stakeholders.
NASA Tournament Lab
NASA partners with TopCoder and the Harvard Business School to encourage public participants to compete in solving real-world NASA challenges.
Progressive Insurance Automotive X PRIZE
In partnership with the X PRIZE Foundation, Progressive Insurance held this competition to develop cars that achieved fuel efficiency of at least 100 MPGe.
SME Finance Challenge
Ashoka Changemakers and the G-20 nations held this competition to develop new methods for financing small and medium enterprises.