January 23 2008 Conference Call
Conference Call Notes
Drafted by Joe Andrieu, January 23, 2007
- vrm at chat.freenode.net
Other Calls
- Doc Searls
- Joe Andrieu
- Dean Landsman
- Charles Andres
- Bart Stevens
- Sean Bohan
- Iain Henderson
- Christopher Carfi
- Deb Schultz
- Keith Hopper
- Drummond Reed
Continuing Action Items
- Proposals from committee chairs. Monday 12/17. Dean, Joe, Doc, Adrianna, Ian. (December is an opportunity for progress...)
- Starting email/invite to all the groups from committee chair to kickstart the conversation.
- Request for brief vision statement to steering committee members. Dean. 12/13.
- Respond with vision statement. 12/31/2007. All steering committee members.
- Follow up with Doc re: wiki & spam. Joe. 12/12.
- Email about no call next time. Dean. 12/12.
Dean chastises folks who haven't yet replied, asking again for everyone's "Quick VRM Vision" to kickstart the vision committee meeting.
Deb reports on language that is working and not working. Notably, the name VRM is hard to understand for a few people. A lot of people get excited, but wonder how we are going to actually get to something so complicated. We still need a "What is VRM?".
Doc apologizes for holidays and snow and other obligations, with promises for much more activity soon.
Tell Me.Com
http://www.tellme.com "Say what you want and get it." This is a voice-based service built around VoiceXML. Doc reports conversations with these guys, including verification that although Microsoft owned, they are not locked into Microsoft-only solutions.
For conversations and presentations, it would be great to have a standard, shared powerpoint that that we can all coordinate our language when evangelizing VRM to different audiences.
EU Identity Conference
We have a full-day set aside for us to coordinate a session prior to the traditional conference. There's an agreement that the first day makes sense as an unconference.
There is also at least one slot in the traditional conference for one or more of us to spread the work for VRM.
The full conference: http://www.id-conf.com
More info at http://www.kuppingercole.de/eventformats/conference
Customer Service is the New Marketing Conference
A related conference. A "power to the customer" conference. http://csitnm.com/
We got an invitation to speak.
Doc won't be able to make it, but there are several folks involved that we are already in conversation with, including Tara Hunt and Chris Messina.
It is Feb 5th in San Francisco. We recruited Chris Carfi to lead a lunch session. Dean with take the invitation and pass it to Chris and Chris will take it from there.
May 12-14. Unfortunately, Doc has a conflict.
UK Workshop
Informal get together. We'll be doing that about once/month or so.
Boston VRM meeting
Vision subcommittee meeting on Feb 4.
Compliance Committee Proposal
Iain and Brett put together a proposal for how to proceed with the compliance efforts. They are waiting for Doc's blessing about how to proceed.
Doc says it looks good. He trusts them.
To Wiki or Not to Wiki
Dean raised an issue that he would like to see the wiki as a public-facing presentation of our work, in contrast to exposing the public to the sometimes disorganized work of our committees.
Joe suggested that, at least for the Standards Committee, it makes sense to expose the ongoing work product to engage the widest possible audience in a classic open source development approach.
After much discussion, it was definitely agreed that there are several topics that makes sense for "leadership" conversations, where people who have developed trust and a common understanding of VRM can make decisions quickly and effectively, and "public" conversations where the whole point is to engage the public as broadly as possible.
Our own event
Do we make this a part of IIW or something bigger? We're not quite ready for this. It is inevitable and its going to happen. But at this stage, Doc likes the informal, yet increasingly organized approach we have so far.
The topic of VRM is going to come up in many things, so let's piggy back where we can.
Also, there is agreement that workshops focusing on VRM make a lot of sense, especially where we bring together the appropriate domain players to move our work product forward, i.e., flesh out our use cases.
Feb 20-23. Perhaps coinciding with a VRM workshop in Santa Barbara. Doc will look into his schedule and see if we can actually free up some time while he is out here to hold a workshop.
Next Meeting
February 6, 2008 Conference Call