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== Links ==
== Links ==
*  [ Clay Shirky TED Talk]
* [ goldcorp story] (worth reading)
* [ Troll! Data! Analysis!] - Courtney Stanton's study of responses to a blog post about women and rape culture in gaming, focusing on the content of the comments and comparing civil discussion to trolling.  A quick read, interesting analysis.  --[[User:mcforelle|mcforelle]] 22:01, 22 February 2011 (UTC)
* some links on Apple's new subscription model:
** [ Apple's New Subscription Model]: Christina Warren, Mashable
** [ The New New Media: Apple's Subscription Model]: Richard MacManus, ReadWriteWeb
** [,2817,2380742,00.asp Top 4 Publisher Objections to Apple Subscriptions]: Peter Pachal, PCMag
** [ Apple Offers Subscriptions for Apps]: JEREMY W. PETERS and MIGUEL HELFT, NYTimes
* Ethan Zuckerman on [ Homophily, serendipity, and xenophilia] -- an interesting response to the "silo" theory (aka homophily) we discussed in class. --[[User:RebekahHeacock|RebekahHeacock]] 00:15, 23 February 2011 (UTC)
* Here is a link from yesterday's New York Times, more wikileaks this time referring to the Qaddafi family’s exploits [[User:FMRR|FMRR]] 16:02, 24 February 2011 (UTC)
*  Interesting talk tonight (24 Feb), open to the public from what I can tell.  Video will be posted afterwards, if you can't make it:
**  [ ONLINE NEWS: Public Sphere or Echo Chamber?] - 5-7pm, [ 3-270]  ~~[[User:mcforelle|mcforelle]] 20:00, 24 February 2011 (UTC)
I found this article that discusses the purchasing power of the masses. [[ The Power Of Us] [[User:Joshuasurillo|Joshuasurillo]] 15:28, 11 May 2011 (UTC)

Revision as of 19:09, 17 November 2011

February 21

Mass collaboration and the aggregation of information enable potentially profound changes in business and politics. In this class, we will compare and contrast the transformations in economic life and collective decision-making processes brought on the information revolution. The discussions will also explore the role of open information systems on business and the scope for greater transparency and participation in government, politics and public life.


Assignment 2 due


Optional Readings

  • Federalist Papers published under the pseudonym Publius.
  • Divided They Blog - a paper showing trackbacks between political blogs, mentioned by Ethan Zuckerman in his review of Cass Sunstein's Infotopia

Class Discussion
