Remote Participation Statistics
ICANN Public Meetings
Marina del Rey, California - November 12-15, 2001

The following statistics were calculated for informal evaluation of the Marina del Rey 2001 remote participation and meeting technology efforts.

  • 324 distinct non-anonymous people logged on to the remote participation sites, including 66 on the 12th, 93 on the 13th, 53 on the 14th, and 112 on the 15th with significant overlap between days. 270 additional anonymous users logged in, summed across all days of the meetings, while ? users bypassed or attempted to bypass the webcast registration system. 84 distinct non-anonymous signups were made by users within the conference facility.

  • ? user-session visits to the ICANN-Marina del Rey 2001 Registration and Remote Participation pages (in in the one-month period from November 1 - November 30, surrounding the meetings by approximately two weeks in each direction. ? views in ? user-sessions of the Live Webcast page while the meetings were in progress. (But surely many repeats by same person on different days, therefore counted as different user-sessions.) ? requests in ? user-sessions for the main archive page. In total, ? requests in ? user-sessions were made for Berkman Center ICANN-related content between November 1 and November 30.

  • ? user-sessions resulted from links on web pages..

  • In the four-week period surrounding the meeting, ? user-sessions reached the ICANN-Marina del Rey Remote Participation and Preregistration pages via links from ICANN's site.

  • All RealAudio and RealVideo servers below capacity at all times. ? user-sessions accessing the primary RealVideo feed, and ? the primary WindowsMedia video feed, summed across all days.

  • From September 10 to October 10, the Archive main page received ? hits from ? distinct user-sessions. In that time, ? distinct user-sessions watched RealVideo archives of one or more of the Marina del Rey 2001 meetings, averaging requests for about ? distinct video segments per user-session.

  • 14 remote comments were received throughout the three days of meetings. Of these, 6 were presented (read in their entirety and attributed in scribe's notes).

  • Remote participants came primarily from North America. Summing over all three days of public meetings, 202 remote participants self-identified as North Americans, 50 as European, 22 as South American, 17 as Australian, 14 as Asian, and 7 as African. See for details, including a breakout by day. This data reinforces prior experience that remote participants are primarily drawn from North Americans plus residents of countries in timezones for which the meetings take place during the day.

  • A total of 1043 people preregistered to attend the meetings and requested periodic updates about meeting logistics, including 861 planning to attend in person and 182 interested in participating online. (Some overlap -- it was possible to indicate interest in receiving relevant announcements for both physical and remote participation.) Announcement messages about webcast times and details and about archive availability were sent to all webcast preregistrants in addition to all actual remote participants. An announcement message about archive availability was sent to all in-person preregistrants who requested periodic updates.


For additional information, please contact:  

Ben Edelman
Berkman Center for Internet & Society at Harvard Law School 

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