TagTeam FAQ: Difference between revisions

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== How do I get a TagTeam account? ==  
== How do I get a TagTeam account? ==  

# Go to the [https://tagteam.harvard.edu/ Harvard instance of TagTeam] and click the '''Sign in''' link in the upper right corner. Or go directly to the [https://tagteam.harvard.edu/accounts/sign_up '''Sign up''' page].
# Go to the [https://tagteam.harvard.edu/ Harvard instance of TagTeam] and click the '''Sign in''' link in the upper right corner. Or go directly to the [https://tagteam.harvard.edu/accounts/sign_up '''Sign up''' page]. Be sure to start with the green "sign up" button rather than the blue "log in" button.
# Fill out the form.  
# Fill out the form.  
#* Note that the Harvard instance of TagTeam is limited to academic or research projects. Use the form to give a brief description of your project. If you want to tag for an existing TagTeam project, just say that.
#* Note that the Harvard instance of TagTeam is limited to academic or research projects. Use the form to give a brief description of your project. If you want to tag for an existing TagTeam project, just say that.
#* Click the green '''Sign up''' button (not the blue '''Log in''' button).
#* Click the '''Sign up''' button. <!-- (not the blue '''Log in''' button). -->

:Once you have an account in TagTeam, you may create new hubs (projects).
:Once you have an account in TagTeam, you may create new hubs (projects).
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* Once you create an account and log in, you'll see a big blue button on the front page that says, ''Start a hub''. Just press it and you're nearly done. Give your hub a title, a nickname, and a description, and you're done. You may create more than one hub if you like.  
* Once you create an account and log in, you'll see a big blue button on the front page that says, ''Start a hub''. Just press it and you're nearly done. Give your hub a title, a nickname, and a description, and you're done. You may create more than one hub if you like.  

:Once you've created a hub, you may tag for it and authorize others to tag for it as well. To tag for an existing hub, created by someone else, you'll need the permission of the hub owner, which you can request through the "Contact" tab on that hub.
* Once you've created a hub, you may tag for it and authorize others to tag for it as well. To tag for a hub created by someone else, you'll need the permission of the hub owner, which you can request through the "Contact" tab on that hub.

== How do I get permission to tag for a hub owned by someone else? ==
== How do I get permission to tag for a hub owned by someone else? ==

# Log in to [https://tagteam.harvard.edu/ TagTeam], and go to the click on the hub for which you'd like permission to tag, for example, the [https://tagteam.harvard.edu/hubs/oatp Open Access Tracking Project].
# Log in to [https://tagteam.harvard.edu/ TagTeam], and go to the hub for which you'd like permission to tag, for example, the [https://tagteam.harvard.edu/hubs/oatp Open Access Tracking Project].
# Click on that hub's '''Contact''' tab in the left sidebar. Fill in the form, for example, by asking for permission to tag. Click '''Submit'''.
# Click on that hub's '''Contact''' tab in the left sidebar. Fill in the form, for example, by asking for permission to tag. Click '''Submit'''.
# The hub owner will receive the message and make a decision.
# The hub owner will receive the message and make a decision.

== What can I do without a TagTeam account, or when I'm not logged in? ==
== What can I do without an account, or when I'm not logged in? ==

Without signing up or signing in, you can:
Without signing up or signing in, you can:
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* Run searches in any hub.  
* Run searches in any hub.  
* Subscribe to any of the feeds published by the hub.  
* Subscribe to any of the feeds published by the hub.  
* Request permission to tag for an existing hub. But you must have a TagTeam account before your request can be approved.
* Use the '''Contact''' tab to contact the hub owner.
* Select any tab (except is the '''Team''' or '''Community''' tab) on any hub and view its information in read-only mode. Among other things, this means you can view the lists of tags at a given hub. But you must create an account and log in if you want to create a new hub or make any changes to an existing hub.
* Request permission to tag for an existing hub, through the '''Contact''' tab. (But you must have a TagTeam account before the hub owner can approve your request.)
* Select any tab (except the '''Team''' tab) on any hub and view its information in read-only mode. Among other things, you can view the lists of tags in use at a given hub. <!-- But you must create an account and log in if you want to create a new hub or make any changes to an existing hub. -->

== How do I actually tag for a given hub? ==  
== How do I actually tag for a given hub? ==  
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** Drag the '''Add to TagTeam''' link to your browser's bookmarks toolbar. (You'll only see this link if you're logged in and authorized to tag for this hub.)
** Drag the '''Add to TagTeam''' link to your browser's bookmarks toolbar. (You'll only see this link if you're logged in and authorized to tag for this hub.)

* When you're viewing a page you want to tag, click on the bookmarklet and fill in the pop-up form.
* When you're viewing a web page you want to tag, click on the bookmarklet and fill in the pop-up form.
:The method is the same for hub owners and non-owners who are authorized to tag for a given hub.

== How do I revise the tags for a given item? ==
== How do I revise the tags for a given item? ==
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# Click on the '''Filters''' tab in the left sidebar.  
# Click on the '''Filters''' tab in the left sidebar.  
# Chose one of the three options (add, remove, modify a tag), and fill in the form.  
# Chose one of the three options (add, remove, modify a tag), and fill in the form.  
# Another way to add new tags (but not to remove or modify them) is to return to the original page on the web, and click on the bookmarklet. The tagging form will pop up prepopulated, and you can add new tags directly through the form. When you add new tags this way, you need not be logged in to TagTeam.
# Another way to add new tags (but not to remove or modify them) is to return to the original page on the web, and click on the tagging bookmarklet. The tagging form will pop up prepopulated, and you can add new tags directly through the form. <!-- When you add new tags this way, you need not be logged in to TagTeam. -->

* Permission to tag for a hub doesn't include permission to create item-level filters. If you have the first but not the second, then ask the hub owner for the second.
* Permission to tag for a hub doesn't include permission to create item-level filters. If you have the first but not the second, then ask the hub owner for the second.
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* Once they type a few characters, they'll see existing tags that start with those letters. But these are only suggestions, and the tagger can disregard all of them.  
* Once they type a few characters, they'll see existing tags that start with those letters. But these are only suggestions, and the tagger can disregard all of them.  

== How does TagTeam support ontologies or standardized tag vocabularies? ==
== How does TagTeam support standardized tag vocabularies? ==

* Hub owners (and users with appropriate permission) can convert any tag to any other tag. The primary tool for this job is a hub-wide filter. A hub-wide filter changing tag A to tag B will first change all instances of A already in the database to B, then it will change all future instances of A to B.
* Hub owners (and users with appropriate permission) can convert any tag to any other tag. The primary tool for this job is a hub-wide filter. A hub-wide filter changing tag A to tag B will first change all existing instances of A to B, in that hub, and then stand ready to change all future instances of A to B, in that hub.
** For example, if some taggers for a project use "ship" (singular) and some use "ships" (plural), the project managers simply have to decide which one they prefer and write a filter to change the deprecated tag to the preferred tag.  
** For example, if some taggers for a project use "protein" (singular) and some use "proteins" (plural), the project managers simply have to decide which one they prefer and write a filter to change the deprecated tag to the preferred tag.  
** Or if the project formerly recommended "black-hole" and later decides that "black_hole" would be better, it can write a hub-wide filter to change the former to the latter, past and future.  
** Or if the project formerly recommended "black-hole" and later decides that "black_hole" would be better, it can write a hub-wide filter to change the former to the latter, past and future.  
** TagTeam calls this feature "folksonomy in, ontology out".
** TagTeam calls this feature "folksonomy in, ontology out".
** In other tagging platforms, taggers can modify their own tags, but only their own tags. Moreover, these modifications tend to be retroactive-only, not prospective. In TagTeam, hub owners and hub members with permission can change any of the tags in the hub, and change them for the past and the future. This is a powerful way for research projects to manage the evolution of a folksonomy into an ontology or standard vocabulary.
* TagTeam projects should make sure new taggers understand that their tags are subject to project-level modification for these good reasons.

* For more detail on how TagTeam supports the automatic conversion of certain tags to other tags, see the section of the [[TagTeam_basics|TagTeam manual]] on [[TagTeam_basics#Modifying_tags_.28creating_tag_filters.29|tag filters]].
* For more detail on how TagTeam supports the automatic conversion of certain tags to other tags, see the section of the [[TagTeam_basics|TagTeam manual]] on [[TagTeam_basics#Modifying_tags_.28creating_tag_filters.29|tag filters]].
* In addition to hub-wide filters. TagTeam supports feed-level and item-level filters.

== How do I subscribe to a tag feed? ==
== How do I subscribe to a tag feed? ==

* First, find any occurrence of the tag in which you're interested. Click on it and you'll get a pop-up menu. Click on the top option ("View items tagged with [TAG]"). That will take you to the tag home page, also called the tag library.  
* Find any occurrence of the tag in which you're interested. Click on it and you'll get a pop-up menu. Click on the top option ("View items tagged with [TAG]"). That will take you to the tag home page, also called the tag library.  

* On the tag library page, you'll see the three feed icons in the upper right corner (RSS, Atom, JSON). Click the format of your choice, and put the feed URL in your favorite feed aggregator.  
* On the tag library page, you'll see the three feed icons in the upper right corner (RSS, Atom, JSON). Click the format of your choice, and put the feed URL in your favorite feed aggregator.  
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* Finally, of course, you can view the search results without subscribing to them, bookmarking them, or incorporating them into remix feeds.
* Finally, of course, you can view the search results without subscribing to them, bookmarking them, or incorporating them into remix feeds.

== I'm a hub owner. How do I add taggers to my project? ==
== What's the difference between a feed and a tag library? ==

* Invite them to (1) create a TagTeam account, and (2) ask permission to tag for your hub (both described above). When their request comes through (by email), approve them (in the '''Team''' or '''Community''' tab of your hub), and give them the permissions you want them to have.
* A feed is a streaming tag library. But for most purposes they're the same thing. If you "follow" or "subscribe to" real-time alerts of a certain kind (for example, all items with a certain tag), we call that set of items a ''feed''. If you consult the same set of items online without following or subscribing to anything, we call it a ''tag library''. In contexts where the items themselves matter more than how a user chooses to view them, it's fair to use the terms interchangeably.
* If your project already has a working tag vocabulary, point them to it or help them learn it.
== I'm a hub owner. How do I prevent spam in my project feeds? ==
* The only people who can tag for your project are those you authorize. If some tag items that are off-topic, you can ask them to stop or revoke their permission to tag.

== How do I create a private hub or use private tags? ==
== How do I create a private hub or use private tags? ==

* You can't. TagTeam outputs are open access.
* You can't. TagTeam outputs are open access.
* We might add private hubs and private tagging in a future version. (If you can't wait, you can fork TagTeam and add these features at any time.)
* We might add private hubs and private tagging in a future version.

== How do I search a given hub? ==
== How do I search a given hub? ==
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* For details on the search features and syntax, see the section of the [[TagTeam_basics|TagTeam manual]] on [[TagTeam_basics#Searching|searching]]. Preview: You can search tags, keywords, or both. You can run phrase searches, wildcard searches, or boolean searches. You can bookmark any search, create a new feed from the results of any search, or add the results of any search to a [[TagTeam_basics#Remix_feeds|remix feed]] combining many different feeds.
* For details on the search features and syntax, see the section of the [[TagTeam_basics|TagTeam manual]] on [[TagTeam_basics#Searching|searching]]. Preview: You can search tags, keywords, or both. You can run phrase searches, wildcard searches, or boolean searches. You can bookmark any search, create a new feed from the results of any search, or add the results of any search to a [[TagTeam_basics#Remix_feeds|remix feed]] combining many different feeds.

* If you use Chrome, you can search a given directly from the omnibox (the search and URL bar). Go to Chrome ''Settings'', then to ''Manage search engines''. Scroll to the bottom of the page. In the ''Add a new search engine'' text field, enter the name of the hub (for example, "OATP" or "[http://tagteam.harvard.edu/hubs/oatp/items Open Access Tracking Project]"). In the ''keyword'' field, enter a short nickname (for example, "oatp"). In the URL field, enter <tt>http://tagteam.harvard.edu/hubs/oatp/item_search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=%s&commit=Go</tt>, replacing <tt>/oatp/</tt> with the name or number of the hub you want to search. Then click ''Done''. Once you've set this up and want to search (for example) OATP from Chrome, just enter "oatp [search string]" in the omnibox and Chrome will run the OATP search for you. Because Chrome is harnessing TagTeam's internal search engine for that hub, your search string should use the same syntax you'd use it TagTeam itself. For example, to search for a tag like ''sample-tag'', search for ''#sample-tag''. You can also use quoted phrases, boolean operators, and so on.
* If you use Chrome, you can search a given hub directly from the omnibox (the search and URL bar). Go to Chrome ''Settings'', then to ''Manage search engines''. Scroll to the bottom of the page. In the ''Add a new search engine'' text field, enter the name of the hub (for example, "OATP" or "[http://tagteam.harvard.edu/hubs/oatp/items Open Access Tracking Project]"). In the ''keyword'' field, enter a short nickname (for example, "oatp"). In the URL field, enter <tt>http://tagteam.harvard.edu/hubs/oatp/item_search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=%s&commit=Go</tt>, replacing <tt>/oatp/</tt> with the name or number of the hub you want to search. Then click ''Done''. Once you've set this up and want to search (for example) OATP from Chrome, just enter "oatp [search string]" in the omnibox and Chrome will run the OATP search for you. Because Chrome is harnessing TagTeam's internal search engine for that hub, your search string should use the same syntax you'd use it TagTeam itself. For example, to search for a tag like ''sample-tag'', search for ''#sample-tag''. You can also use quoted phrases, boolean operators, and so on.
* TagTeam does not yet support searches across two or more hubs. However, TagTeam hubs are crawled by Google.

== How do I search across two or more hubs? ==
== I'm a hub owner. How do I ...? ==

* TagTeam does not yet support this feature. However, TagTeam hubs are crawled by Google.
=== Add taggers to my project ===

== How can I tell whether a certain item has already been tagged in a certain hub? ==
* Invite them to (1) create a TagTeam account, and (2) ask permission to tag for your hub (both described above). When their request comes through (by email), approve them (in the '''Team''' or '''Community''' tab of your hub), and give them the permissions you want them to have.

* First, you can search for it in that hub (see the previous question).  
* If your project already has a working tag vocabulary, point them to it or help them learn it.
=== Prevent spam in my project feeds ===
* The only people who can tag for your project are those you authorize. If some of your authorized taggers tag off-topic items, you can ask them to stop. Or you can revoke their permission to tag through the '''Team''' or '''Community''' tab of your hub.
== How can I tell ...? ==
=== Whether a given tag is already in use in a given hub ===
* Go to the hub's home page within TagTeam, and click on the '''Tags''' tab in the left sidebar. Sort the tags alphabetically, and look for the one you have in mind.
* You could also append the tag you're wondering about to this URL template, <tt>[http://tagteam.harvard.edu/hubs/HUB/TAG/ http://tagteam.harvard.edu/hubs/HUB/TAG/]</tt>, replacing ''HUB'' with the TagTeam name or number of that hub, and replacing ''TAG'' with the tag you're wondering about.
* Some hubs post a (public, evolving) list of project-approved tags. For example, see [[OATP_tags|the list of approved tags for the Open Access Tracking Project]].
=== Whether a given item has already been tagged in a given hub ===
* First, you can search for it in that hub (see the question on search, above).  

* Second, if you're authorized to tag for that hub, then try to tag the item you're wondering about. If the tag form pops up blank, the item has not yet been tagged. If it pops up pre-populated with tags, then it has already been tagged. In the second case, you could withdraw, knowing that the item has already been tagged, or you could review the tags and add any new ones you think should be added.
* Second, if you're authorized to tag for that hub, then try to tag the item you're wondering about. If the tag form pops up blank, the item has not yet been tagged. If it pops up pre-populated with tags, then it has already been tagged. In the second case, you could withdraw, knowing that the item has already been tagged, or you could review the tags and add any new ones you think should be added.

== How can I tell whether a certain tag is already in use in a certain hub? ==
== How can I deep-link to specific tag libraries? ==
=== All items in a given hub with a given tag ===
* Add the hub and tag to this URL template, <tt>[http://tagteam.harvard.edu/hubs/HUB/TAG/ http://tagteam.harvard.edu/hubs/HUB/TAG/]</tt>. For example, to link to the tag library for ''oa.policies'' in the [http://tagteam.harvard.edu/hubs/oatp/items Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) hub], link to this URL <tt>[http://tagteam.harvard.edu/hubs/oatp/tag/oa.policies http://tagteam.harvard.edu/hubs/oatp/tag/oa.policies]</tt>.
=== All items in a given hub tagged by a given tagger ===
* Add the hub and tagger's username to this root URL, <tt>[http://tagteam.harvard.edu/hubs/HUB/user/USERNAME http://tagteam.harvard.edu/hubs/HUB/user/USERNAME]</tt>. For example, to link to the tag library of user abernard102, in the [http://tagteam.harvard.edu/hubs/oatp/items Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) hub], link to this URL <tt>[http://tagteam.harvard.edu/hubs/oatp/user/abernard102 http://tagteam.harvard.edu/hubs/oatp/user/abernard102]</tt>.
=== All items in a given hub tagged with a given tag by a given tagger ===
* Add the hub, tagger's username, and tag to this root URL, <tt>[http://tagteam.harvard.edu/hubs/HUB/user/USERNAME/tag/TAG http://tagteam.harvard.edu/hubs/HUB/user/USERNAME/tag/TAG]</tt>. For example, to link to the tag library of items tagged with "oa.policies" by user abernard102, in the [http://tagteam.harvard.edu/hubs/oatp/items Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) hub], link to this URL <tt>[http://tagteam.harvard.edu/hubs/oatp/user/abernard102/tag/oa.policies http://tagteam.harvard.edu/hubs/oatp/user/abernard102/tag/oa.policies]</tt>.
=== All items in a given hub tagged on a given date ===
* Add the hub and date in YYYY/MM/DD format to this URL template, <tt>[http://tagteam.harvard.edu/hubs/HUB/by_date/ http://tagteam.harvard.edu/hubs/HUB/by_date/]</tt>. For example, to link to the tag library for December 1, 2016, in the [http://tagteam.harvard.edu/hubs/oatp/items Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) hub], link to this URL, <tt>[http://tagteam.harvard.edu/hubs/oatp/by_date/2016/12/01 http://tagteam.harvard.edu/hubs/oatp/by_date/2016/12/01]</tt>.
=== All items that come up in a given search ===
* Every TagTeam search has a unique URL. Fine-tune your search, and then save the URL from the word ''Permalink'' under the search box. This URL will point to the HTML edition of the search returns. If you prefer to save the URL of the RSS, Atom, or JSON feed for that search, then save the URL under those feed icons in the top right corner of the search page. Then share the URL at will.
== Why is the Harvard instance limited to academic or research projects? ==
The simple answer is bandwidth. We don't know how popular TagTeam will become. The Harvard instance is hosted by the [https://cyber.harvard.edu/ Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society], which has limited resources for hosting the current academic/research instance.
Remember that [https://github.com/berkmancenter/tagteam the code is open], and that anyone may host other instances of TagTeam elsewhere. In fact, if you do host another instance open to non-academic users, please let us know about it. We'll point non-academic users toward your instance. We'd much rather point non-academic users to some instance than leave them without access to any instance.

* Go to the hub's home page within TagTeam, and click on the '''Tags''' tag in the left sidebar. Sort the tags alphabetically, and look for the one you have in mind.
== What are the copyright and licensing terms on the code and data? ==

* You could also append the tag you're wondering about to this URL template, <tt>[http://tagteam.harvard.edu/hubs/HUB/TAG/ http://tagteam.harvard.edu/hubs/HUB/TAG/]</tt>, replacing ''HUB'' with the TagTeam name or number of that hub, and replacing ''TAG'' with the tag you're wondering about.  
These answers apply only to the [http://tagteam.harvard.edu/ Harvard instance] of TagTeam. We encourage those who use the open code to create new instances of TagTeam to draft their own terms of service to govern their own instances. See [[TagTeam terms of service#1.2|Section 1.2 of the Harvard terms of service]].

* Some hubs post a (public, evolving) list of project-approved tags. For example, see the
* The TagTeam code is [https://github.com/berkmancenter/tagteam in GitHub] under an [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Affero_General_Public_License Affero General Public License] (AGPL). See the details in [[TagTeam terms of service#6.2|Section 6.2 of the terms of service]]
To see whether a given tag is an approved or official project tag, look at the [[OATP_tags|for the Open Access Tracking Project]].

== How can I deep-link to the tag library of all items with a given tag in a given hub? ==
* When users enter original content into TagTeam, they retain ownership of it. But as a condition of using the software, they grant TagTeam a license to use it, including the right to allow others to use it. TagTeam uses this license to allow users to copy, distribute, display, and perform its content. <!-- TagTeam does not block commercial use or require attribution.--> See the details in [[TagTeam terms of service#6.3|Section 6.3 of the terms of service]].

* The previous answer showed the way. To link to a given tag library (collection of all the items tagged with a given tag), just append the tag to this URL template, <tt>[http://tagteam.harvard.edu/hubs/HUB/TAG/ http://tagteam.harvard.edu/hubs/HUB/TAG/]</tt>. For example, to link to the tag library for ''oa.policies'' in the [http://tagteam.harvard.edu/hubs/oatp/items Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) hub], link to this URL <tt>[http://tagteam.harvard.edu/hubs/oatp/tag/oa.policies http://tagteam.harvard.edu/hubs/oatp/tag/oa.policies]</tt>.
* When users enter content they don't own, they warrant that they have the rights necessary to share it through TagTeam. See the details in [[TagTeam terms of service#6.4|Section 6.4 of the terms of service]].
<!-- this is commented out because the feature does NOT YET WORK
== How can I deep-link to the OATP library of all items tagged by a given tagger? ==

* Just append the tagger's TagTeam username to this root URL, <tt>[http://tagteam.harvard.edu/hubs/oatp/user/ ]</tt>. For example, to link to the tag library of user abernard102, link to this URL <tt>[http://tagteam.harvard.edu/hubs/oatp/user/abernard102 http://tagteam.harvard.edu/hubs/oatp/user/abernard102]</tt>. -->
* Some data arise from the use of TagTeam, such as the dates when items are tagged. Insofar as these data are copyrightable by TagTeam, TagTeam relinquishes its copyright and releases the data into the public domain through a [http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ CC0 Public Domain Dedication]. Insofar as these data are copyrightable by users, users also agree, as a condition of using the software, to release the data into the public domain. See the details in [[TagTeam terms of service#6.6|Section 6.6 of the terms of service]].

== How can I deep-link to the tag library of all items tagged on a given date in a given hub? ==
== How do I change my password? ==  

* Just append the date in YYYY/MM/DD format to this URL template, <tt>[http://tagteam.harvard.edu/hubs/HUB/by_date/ http://tagteam.harvard.edu/hubs/HUB/by_date/]</tt>. For example, to link to the tag library for December 1, 2016, in the [http://tagteam.harvard.edu/hubs/oatp/items Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) hub], link to this URL, <tt>[http://tagteam.harvard.edu/hubs/oatp/by_date/2016/12/01 http://tagteam.harvard.edu/hubs/oatp/by_date/2016/12/01]</tt>.
* Go to the [https://tagteam.harvard.edu/accounts/sign_in TagTeam sign-in page]. Click on the "Forgot your password?" link below the green and blue buttons.  
<!-- If you try to see this option before you need it, you'll have to log out first. It's not visible to those who are logged in. -->

Latest revision as of 10:34, 26 June 2023

How do I get a TagTeam account?

  1. Go to the Harvard instance of TagTeam and click the Sign in link in the upper right corner. Or go directly to the Sign up page. Be sure to start with the green "sign up" button rather than the blue "log in" button.
  2. Fill out the form.
    • Note that the Harvard instance of TagTeam is limited to academic or research projects. Use the form to give a brief description of your project. If you want to tag for an existing TagTeam project, just say that.
    • Click the Sign up button.
Once you have an account in TagTeam, you may create new hubs (projects).

How do I create a TagTeam hub?

  • Once you create an account and log in, you'll see a big blue button on the front page that says, Start a hub. Just press it and you're nearly done. Give your hub a title, a nickname, and a description, and you're done. You may create more than one hub if you like.
  • Once you've created a hub, you may tag for it and authorize others to tag for it as well. To tag for a hub created by someone else, you'll need the permission of the hub owner, which you can request through the "Contact" tab on that hub.

How do I get permission to tag for a hub owned by someone else?

  1. Log in to TagTeam, and go to the hub for which you'd like permission to tag, for example, the Open Access Tracking Project.
  2. Click on that hub's Contact tab in the left sidebar. Fill in the form, for example, by asking for permission to tag. Click Submit.
  3. The hub owner will receive the message and make a decision.

What can I do without an account, or when I'm not logged in?

Without signing up or signing in, you can:

  • See a list of all the hubs running on a given instance of TagTeam.
  • Run searches in any hub.
  • Subscribe to any of the feeds published by the hub.
  • Use the Contact tab to contact the hub owner.
  • Request permission to tag for an existing hub, through the Contact tab. (But you must have a TagTeam account before the hub owner can approve your request.)
  • Select any tab (except the Team tab) on any hub and view its information in read-only mode. Among other things, you can view the lists of tags in use at a given hub.

How do I actually tag for a given hub?

  • First install the tagging bookmarklet on your browser toolbar.
    • Log in to TagTeam, and go to any hub for which you are authorized to tag.
    • Click on the Bookmarks tab in the left sidebar.
    • Drag the Add to TagTeam link to your browser's bookmarks toolbar. (You'll only see this link if you're logged in and authorized to tag for this hub.)
  • When you're viewing a web page you want to tag, click on the bookmarklet and fill in the pop-up form.

How do I revise the tags for a given item?

After you've tagged an item, you may want to add new tags, or modify or remove existing tags. Here's how.
  1. Log in to TagTeam and go to the right hub.
  2. Go to the tag record for the item you want to update.
    • For example, run a search or scroll through the list of items until you find the one you want to update. Then click on the link in the item's title. That takes you to the tag record for that item.
  3. Click on the Filters tab in the left sidebar.
  4. Chose one of the three options (add, remove, modify a tag), and fill in the form.
  5. Another way to add new tags (but not to remove or modify them) is to return to the original page on the web, and click on the tagging bookmarklet. The tagging form will pop up prepopulated, and you can add new tags directly through the form.
  • Permission to tag for a hub doesn't include permission to create item-level filters. If you have the first but not the second, then ask the hub owner for the second.
  • Similarly, permission to create item-level filters doesn't include permission to create feed-wide or hub-wide filters. If you want the latter, ask the hub owner.

How does TagTeam support user-defined tags?

  • All authorized taggers can invent new tags while tagging.
  • Once they type a few characters, they'll see existing tags that start with those letters. But these are only suggestions, and the tagger can disregard all of them.

How does TagTeam support standardized tag vocabularies?

  • Hub owners (and users with appropriate permission) can convert any tag to any other tag. The primary tool for this job is a hub-wide filter. A hub-wide filter changing tag A to tag B will first change all existing instances of A to B, in that hub, and then stand ready to change all future instances of A to B, in that hub.
    • For example, if some taggers for a project use "protein" (singular) and some use "proteins" (plural), the project managers simply have to decide which one they prefer and write a filter to change the deprecated tag to the preferred tag.
    • Or if the project formerly recommended "black-hole" and later decides that "black_hole" would be better, it can write a hub-wide filter to change the former to the latter, past and future.
    • TagTeam calls this feature "folksonomy in, ontology out".
    • In other tagging platforms, taggers can modify their own tags, but only their own tags. Moreover, these modifications tend to be retroactive-only, not prospective. In TagTeam, hub owners and hub members with permission can change any of the tags in the hub, and change them for the past and the future. This is a powerful way for research projects to manage the evolution of a folksonomy into an ontology or standard vocabulary.
  • TagTeam projects should make sure new taggers understand that their tags are subject to project-level modification for these good reasons.
  • For more detail on how TagTeam supports the automatic conversion of certain tags to other tags, see the section of the TagTeam manual on tag filters.
  • In addition to hub-wide filters. TagTeam supports feed-level and item-level filters.

How do I subscribe to a tag feed?

  • Find any occurrence of the tag in which you're interested. Click on it and you'll get a pop-up menu. Click on the top option ("View items tagged with [TAG]"). That will take you to the tag home page, also called the tag library.
  • On the tag library page, you'll see the three feed icons in the upper right corner (RSS, Atom, JSON). Click the format of your choice, and put the feed URL in your favorite feed aggregator.
  • If you want to subscribe to more than one tag feed, you can subscribe to each one separately. Or you can combine them into one remix feed and subscribe to the remix feed. Naturally you can share the URL to the remix feed just as easily as you can share the URL of any simple or individual feed.
  • Finally, of course, you can view the tag library without subscribing to its feed. For example, just bookmark its URL and revisit whenever you want to an update. The page is organized like a blog with the most recent items on top.

How do I subscribe to a search feed?

  • First run a search.
  • On the search-results page, you'll see the three feed icons in the upper right corner (RSS, Atom, JSON). Click the format of your choice, and put the feed URL in your favorite feed aggregator.
  • The search-results page also offers a permalink for the search (just below the search box). If you bookmark the search, every time you return, you'll get the latest results. You can also share the permalink in emails, social-media posts, or publications.
  • The search-results page also offers you an option ("Add to a remix feed") to make the search feed a component in a remix feed.
  • Subscribing to a search, bookmarking one, or incorporating it into a remix feed is useful even for simple searches. But it's even more useful for complicated searches that would be difficult to recreate or retype, for example, searches using boolean operators, proximity operators, quoted phrases, and so on. In the latter case, refine your initial search until it does just what you want. Then take the following steps.
  • Finally, of course, you can view the search results without subscribing to them, bookmarking them, or incorporating them into remix feeds.

What's the difference between a feed and a tag library?

  • A feed is a streaming tag library. But for most purposes they're the same thing. If you "follow" or "subscribe to" real-time alerts of a certain kind (for example, all items with a certain tag), we call that set of items a feed. If you consult the same set of items online without following or subscribing to anything, we call it a tag library. In contexts where the items themselves matter more than how a user chooses to view them, it's fair to use the terms interchangeably.

How do I create a private hub or use private tags?

  • You can't. TagTeam outputs are open access.
  • We might add private hubs and private tagging in a future version.

How do I search a given hub?

  • Go to the home page for that hub in TagTeam, and use the search box at the bottom of the left sidebar.
  • For details on the search features and syntax, see the section of the TagTeam manual on searching. Preview: You can search tags, keywords, or both. You can run phrase searches, wildcard searches, or boolean searches. You can bookmark any search, create a new feed from the results of any search, or add the results of any search to a remix feed combining many different feeds.
  • If you use Chrome, you can search a given hub directly from the omnibox (the search and URL bar). Go to Chrome Settings, then to Manage search engines. Scroll to the bottom of the page. In the Add a new search engine text field, enter the name of the hub (for example, "OATP" or "Open Access Tracking Project"). In the keyword field, enter a short nickname (for example, "oatp"). In the URL field, enter http://tagteam.harvard.edu/hubs/oatp/item_search?utf8=%E2%9C%93&q=%s&commit=Go, replacing /oatp/ with the name or number of the hub you want to search. Then click Done. Once you've set this up and want to search (for example) OATP from Chrome, just enter "oatp [search string]" in the omnibox and Chrome will run the OATP search for you. Because Chrome is harnessing TagTeam's internal search engine for that hub, your search string should use the same syntax you'd use it TagTeam itself. For example, to search for a tag like sample-tag, search for #sample-tag. You can also use quoted phrases, boolean operators, and so on.
  • TagTeam does not yet support searches across two or more hubs. However, TagTeam hubs are crawled by Google.

I'm a hub owner. How do I ...?

Add taggers to my project

  • Invite them to (1) create a TagTeam account, and (2) ask permission to tag for your hub (both described above). When their request comes through (by email), approve them (in the Team or Community tab of your hub), and give them the permissions you want them to have.
  • If your project already has a working tag vocabulary, point them to it or help them learn it.

Prevent spam in my project feeds

  • The only people who can tag for your project are those you authorize. If some of your authorized taggers tag off-topic items, you can ask them to stop. Or you can revoke their permission to tag through the Team or Community tab of your hub.

How can I tell ...?

Whether a given tag is already in use in a given hub

  • Go to the hub's home page within TagTeam, and click on the Tags tab in the left sidebar. Sort the tags alphabetically, and look for the one you have in mind.
  • You could also append the tag you're wondering about to this URL template, http://tagteam.harvard.edu/hubs/HUB/TAG/, replacing HUB with the TagTeam name or number of that hub, and replacing TAG with the tag you're wondering about.

Whether a given item has already been tagged in a given hub

  • First, you can search for it in that hub (see the question on search, above).
  • Second, if you're authorized to tag for that hub, then try to tag the item you're wondering about. If the tag form pops up blank, the item has not yet been tagged. If it pops up pre-populated with tags, then it has already been tagged. In the second case, you could withdraw, knowing that the item has already been tagged, or you could review the tags and add any new ones you think should be added.

How can I deep-link to specific tag libraries?

All items in a given hub with a given tag

All items in a given hub tagged by a given tagger

All items in a given hub tagged with a given tag by a given tagger

All items in a given hub tagged on a given date

All items that come up in a given search

  • Every TagTeam search has a unique URL. Fine-tune your search, and then save the URL from the word Permalink under the search box. This URL will point to the HTML edition of the search returns. If you prefer to save the URL of the RSS, Atom, or JSON feed for that search, then save the URL under those feed icons in the top right corner of the search page. Then share the URL at will.

Why is the Harvard instance limited to academic or research projects?

The simple answer is bandwidth. We don't know how popular TagTeam will become. The Harvard instance is hosted by the Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society, which has limited resources for hosting the current academic/research instance.

Remember that the code is open, and that anyone may host other instances of TagTeam elsewhere. In fact, if you do host another instance open to non-academic users, please let us know about it. We'll point non-academic users toward your instance. We'd much rather point non-academic users to some instance than leave them without access to any instance.

What are the copyright and licensing terms on the code and data?

These answers apply only to the Harvard instance of TagTeam. We encourage those who use the open code to create new instances of TagTeam to draft their own terms of service to govern their own instances. See Section 1.2 of the Harvard terms of service.

  • When users enter original content into TagTeam, they retain ownership of it. But as a condition of using the software, they grant TagTeam a license to use it, including the right to allow others to use it. TagTeam uses this license to allow users to copy, distribute, display, and perform its content. See the details in Section 6.3 of the terms of service.
  • Some data arise from the use of TagTeam, such as the dates when items are tagged. Insofar as these data are copyrightable by TagTeam, TagTeam relinquishes its copyright and releases the data into the public domain through a CC0 Public Domain Dedication. Insofar as these data are copyrightable by users, users also agree, as a condition of using the software, to release the data into the public domain. See the details in Section 6.6 of the terms of service.

How do I change my password?

  • Go to the TagTeam sign-in page. Click on the "Forgot your password?" link below the green and blue buttons.