TagTeam: Difference between revisions

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| style="border: 1px solid darkgray;" | Contents
| style="border: 1px solid darkgray;" | Contents
<!-- * [[Transition to TagTeam]] -->  
<!-- * [[Transition to TagTeam]] -->  
* [[OATP FAQ | FAQ]]
* [[TagTeam FAQ | FAQ]]
* [[OATP tags | Tags]]
* [http://tagteam.harvard.edu/ Harvard instance]&nbsp;&nbsp;
* [[OATP future | Future]]
* [[Intro to TagTeam | Introductory handout]]&nbsp;&nbsp;
<!-- :<small>A 3-page handout</small> -->
* [https://github.com/berkmancenter/tagteam Source code]
* [[TagTeam use cases | Suggested uses]]
* [[TagTeam terms of service | Terms of service]]&nbsp;&nbsp;
* [[TagTeam_basics | User manual]]
* [[TagTeam versions | Version history]]
<!-- <small>User manual</small> -->
<!-- :<small>For the Harvard instance</small>&nbsp;&nbsp; 00> -->
| width="10px" style="background:white" |
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* This is the home page of TagTeam.
* Suggested short URL for this page = 
{| cellpadding="8" cellspacing="0" style="border: 1px solid black;"
<!-- {| align="center" width="75%" cellpadding="8" cellspacing="0" style="border: 1px solid black;"
| style="background:orange; color:black"  | See the [https://cyber.harvard.edu/story/2018-08/major-upgrade-tagteam-open-source-tagging-platform announcement] of version (August 28, 2018) from the [http://cyber.harvard.edu/ Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society].
| style="background:orange; color:black"  | '''The Open Access Tracking Project (OATP) now runs on [http://bit.ly/tagteam-intro TagTeam].'''
|} -->
The project is alive, well, and better than ever on its new and more powerful software platform. Please bear with us while we revise all the OATP pages to reflect this change. In the meantime, see our handout on the [[Transition to TagTeam]] and our [http://bit.ly/tagteam-intro Introduction to TagTeam] itself.

* OATP uses [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_bookmarking social tagging] to capture new developments on [http://bit.ly/oa-book open access] to research. The OATP mission is (1) to provide a real-time alert service for OA-related news and comment, and (2) to organize knowledge of the field by tag or subtopic. The project publishes a comprehensive [[OATP_feeds#Versions_of_the_primary_project_feed|primary feed]] of new OA developments, and hundreds of  smaller [[OATP_feeds#Versions_of_the_secondary_project_feeds|secondary feeds]] on OA subtopics, one for each [[OATP tags|project tag]].  
* This is the home page of [https://tagteam.harvard.edu/ TagTeam].
* Suggested short URL for this page = [http://bit.ly/tagteam-harvard bit.ly/tagteam-harvard]
<!-- Better bitly short urls taken: tagteam, TagTeam, tteam, etc. But I've also claimed harvard-tagteam and
t-a-g-t-e-a-m. -->
* TagTeam is an open-source tagging platform and feed aggregator developed for the [[Main Page | Harvard Open Access Project]] (HOAP) at the [https://cyber.harvard.edu/ Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society] under the direction of [https://cyber.harvard.edu/~psuber/wiki/Peter_Suber Peter Suber].

* OATP runs on [http://bit.ly/tagteam-intro TagTeam], open-source software developed specifically for OATP and now available for open, tag-based research projects on any topic. TagTeam stores all OATP tag records for deduping, export, preservation, modification, and search. OATP started on [http://www.connotea.org/ Connotea] and [https://plus.google.com/+PeterSuber/posts/7RrFra68HKM moved] to TagTeam in September 2012.  
* In addition to ordinary social tagging and bookmarking, TagTeam supports tag contributions from multiple platforms ("interoperable tagging"), the evolution of standard tag vocabularies ("folksonomy in, ontology out"), and boolean feed aggregation ("remix feeds"). Every tag and search publishes a feed in RSS, Atom, and JSON. TagTeam can subscribe to feeds from other platforms, and remix them with its own feeds. It stores all its tag records for deduping, export, preservation, modification, and search.  

* [http://bit.ly/petersuber Peter Suber] [http://www.earlham.edu/~peters/fos/2009/04/open-access-tracking-project-oatp.html launched] OATP in April 2009, and wrote a [http://dash.harvard.edu/handle/1/4322586 full-length description] of it in the ''SPARC Open Access Newsletter'' for May 2009. In mid-2011 OATP became part of the [[Main_Page|Harvard Open Access Project]] (HOAP). HOAP was funded by a grant from [http://www.arcadiafund.org.uk/ Arcadia] from 2011 to 2016, and is currently funded by a grant from the [http://www.arnoldfoundation.org/ Laura and John Arnold Foundation].  
* TagTeam was initially developed to meet the needs of the [[Open Access Tracking Project]] (OATP). But it's now a general-purpose tool for open, tag-based research projects on any topic. OATP is now just one of [http://tagteam.harvard.edu/hubs many hubs] in TagTeam.

* These OATP web pages formerly resided on the [http://oad.simmons.edu Open Access Directory], starting in April 2009, and moved to the [[Main_Page|HOAP wiki]] in May 2015. (The OATP home page had 92,072 page views at the OAD wiki before moving to the HOAP wiki. If you're counting, add that number to the page views for this page, below. But who's counting?)
* The Harvard instance of TagTeam is limited to academic or research projects. However [https://github.com/berkmancenter/tagteam the code is open] and anyone may host other instances elsewhere.
<!-- * OATP pages are temporarily closed to public edits while the project works out methods for communal governance. -->
* TagTeam development was funded by grants from [http://www.arcadiafund.org.uk/ Arcadia], 2011-2016, and the [http://www.arnoldfoundation.org/ Laura and John Arnold Foundation], 2016-2018.

Latest revision as of 14:54, 30 October 2018

  • In addition to ordinary social tagging and bookmarking, TagTeam supports tag contributions from multiple platforms ("interoperable tagging"), the evolution of standard tag vocabularies ("folksonomy in, ontology out"), and boolean feed aggregation ("remix feeds"). Every tag and search publishes a feed in RSS, Atom, and JSON. TagTeam can subscribe to feeds from other platforms, and remix them with its own feeds. It stores all its tag records for deduping, export, preservation, modification, and search.
  • TagTeam was initially developed to meet the needs of the Open Access Tracking Project (OATP). But it's now a general-purpose tool for open, tag-based research projects on any topic. OATP is now just one of many hubs in TagTeam.
  • The Harvard instance of TagTeam is limited to academic or research projects. However the code is open and anyone may host other instances elsewhere.