Use cases

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  • Mark's rock band demo

Mark has a rock band that has produced a demo tape in a studio. He would like to create a simple music video to the song, but does not have a camera or editing software. Mark does not know how to edit videos either. He has the demo in Mp3 and avi formats. He also has the lyrics of the song in a word file. He would like to have the video on his mySpace and school home page.

  • Professional music

Mark's friend Joe is so amazed to see Mark's AudioImager video that he wants to try it too. He is not musician and does not own copyrighted songs. However, he knows that he can do his private remixes from his mp3 collection he has bought. His favorite song is Rihanna's Under the umberella.

Idea: Computers have problems of recognizing lyrics when the music is playing. However, there are several services that can recognize the song. There are also several websites that have lyrics available if you know the name of the song.

See e.g., song recognition: (Freeware, not open source)

  • Political speech

John is a republican. He has just seen Obama's state of the union speech. He would like to make a parody of the speech by showing how different the world is compared to the rhetoric of the speech. He has the video in avi-format and has several photos in his computer's photo archive he would like to use to illustrate his points. The photos are in three folders and untagged.

  • Bonus Live image karaoke

Mike is a performance artist. He likes to tell stories and get his audience involved by illustrating the stories with pictures that the audience think are relevant. The audience has laptop computers and Internet connected mobile devices.