
From Berkman Klein Google Summer of Code Wiki
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This page is for an old project that is not be part of Google Summer of Code currently. If you are a student looking for projects to get involved with we suggest you check out the projects linked to from the main page of this wiki.

We're looking to continue our work on the Cohort CRM. It's a tag-based CRM targetted to the needs of small teams in a non-sales environment - so non-profits and/or mission-based organizations looking to track their interactions and relationships with individuals and other organizations. It implements a hierarchical tagging system that allows for free tagging, where those tags live in a hiearchy as well. It's a modern Rails3 application targetted for ruby 1.8.7. The gems it's using include:

  • Formtastic
  • Sunspot
  • A customized version of acts_as_taggable_on
  • ancestry

It has a rich jquery / ajax interface and is around 15 engineering hours away from an early release. The source code repository lives here ( link to ).

Some possible directions include:

  • Build a well modelled custom field system
  • Build a rich de-duplication system
  • Finish the mailing system from the Rails 2 version of cohort
  • Create a lightweight "custom form" system that allows third parties to add and/or remove themselves from tags inside Cohort in a secure fashion.
  • Build out a bulletproof suite of tests (rspec?) that test thoroughly against both Postgresql and MySQL