Home | Digital Divide | Hate Groups on the Net | Chats and Discussions | Readings | Links Unfortunately, some of the great potential the Internet holds for racial
exchange and racial harmony is being damaged from the tremendous amount of hatred on the
Interne. From web sites, to usenet groups, to chat rooms, to even racist Internet Service
Providers (ISPs) racist organizations have found a ready home on the Internet. The
architecture of the Internet make it a very powerful tool for the dissemination of hatred.
Since it is accessible 24 hours a day and very inexpensive, and provides anonymity to many
users, especially in chatrooms and usenet groups - comparable to the hoods the Klan dons -
the Internet has transformed the amount and extent of hatred available to groups who want
to spread their message. The Open Net e-lab wants you to look at some of these links:
Home | Digital Divide | Hate Groups on the Net | Chats and Discussions | Readings | Links Web Design by Ksenya Medvedev |