Strategy for Homeland Defense and Civil Support
Full Title of Reference
Strategy for Homeland Defense and Civil Support
Full Citation
Department of Defense, Strategy for Homeland Defense and Civil Support (2005). Web
- Resource by Type: US Government Reports and Documents
- The Treats and Actors: States; Terrorists
- Issues: Public Critical Infrastructure; Public-Private Cooperation
- Approaches: Government Organizations
Key Words
Civilian Participation, Computer Network Attack, Cyber Terrorism, Department of Homeland Security, National Security, Outreach and Collaboration, Privacy Law
The Strategy for Homeland Defense and Civil Support articulates strategic goals and objectives and provides direction to relevant Homeland Defense activities across the department. These activities include deterring and preventing attacks, protecting critical defense and designated civilian infrastructure, providing situational understanding, and preparing for and responding to incidents.
Key Objectives of the Strategy
The strategy defines DoDs strategic objectives in a lead, support, enable framework. The department has the lead role in providing for the defense of the United States, is an important government partner in providing support to civil authorities, and actively seeks to enable domestic and international partners to improve their homeland defense and homeland security contributions.
- Achieve maximum awareness of potential threats.
- Deter, intercept and defeat threats at a safe distance.
- Achieve mission assurance.
- Support civil authorities in minimizing the damage and recovering from domestic chemical, biological, radio‐logical, nuclear, or high‐yield explosive (CBRNE) mass casualty attacks.
- Improve national and international capabilities for homeland defense and homeland security.
Capabilities for Homeland Defense and Civil Support
The strategy focuses on building needed transformational capabilities, enhanced maritime awareness and response capability, strengthened allied contributions to collective security, and improved support to civil authorities.
- Intelligence, Surveillance, and Reconnaissance Capabilities.
- Information‐Sharing.
- Joint Operational Capabilities for Homeland Defense.
- Interagency and Intergovernmental Coordination.
Because DoD’s forces and resources are finite, the Strategy recognizes the need to manage risks in the homeland defense and civil support mission areas. It therefore prioritizes DoD’s efforts, focusing on the requirement to fulfill DoD’s lead responsibilities for homeland defense. As a second priority, we will ensure the Department’s ability to support civil authorities in recovering from multiple, catastrophic mass casualty CBRNE incidents within the United States.
Additional Notes and Highlights
Expertise Required: None
Foreword Executive Summary Secure the United States from Attack through an Active, Layered Defense Organizing Construct—Lead, Support, and Enable Key Objectives of the Strategy Capabilities for Homeland Defense and Civil Support Projected Implications of the Strategy I. Context Key Definitions Standing Guidance from National and Defense Strategies Security Environment Organizing for Homeland Defense and Civil Support Assumptions II. Active, Layered Defense III. Strategic Goal and Key Objectives Lead Support Enable IV. Core Capabilities Capabilities for Achieving Maximum Awareness of Threats Capabilities for Deterring, Intercepting, and Defeating Threats at a Safe Distance Capabilities for Achieving Mission Assurance Capabilities for CBRNE Consequence Management Improving US and International Capabilities for Homeland Defense and Homeland Security V. Implications of the Strategy Force Structure Technology Funding Managing Homeland Defense and Civil Support Risks VI. Conclusion