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This Cybersecurity wiki provides a set of evolving resources on cybersecurity, broadly defined, and includes an Annotated Bibliography on relevant articles and literature, which can be searched in a number of ways. Please see below.

This wiki is intended as a tool/resource for researchers, technologists, students, policy-makers and others who are interested in cybersecurity issues more broadly.

Cybersecurity Overview

The term “Cybersecurity” encompasses a range of issues from cybercrime to cyberwarefare. These in turn embrace a diverse set of activities and interests.

Cybercrime, for example, can refer to a lone hacker breaking into a single computer to an organized network of computer criminals collecting thousands or millions of credit card numbers and/or personal information records from multiple sources. Responses to cybercrime range from offering incentives to individuals, manufacturers and/or corporations to protect against malware and botnet attacks to decisions about insurance and risk management.

Cyberwarfare attacks include covert espionage attacks against secure systems to collect sensitive national security information, distributed attacks against the civilian infrastructure to cause widespread failures of energy and/or communication systems or targeted attacks against military targets with the intent to render offensive and defensive systems inoperable or to take control of systems with the ability to deliver kinetic attacks. These attacks all create complicated questions of attribution and law, as the normal laws of war are of questionable value when applied to threats delivered domestically from a anonymous source in a distant location. In addition, deterrence, offensive actions and defensive response often become blurred in the cyber realm, requiring a fresh look at what policies such as “no first strike” mean in cyberspace.

Solutions to these problems will involve addressing questions of economics, incentives, law, legislation, politics, government-private cooperation and international diplomacy. Government, industry, the military and the public must all play a role in deciding how much cybersecurity is needed and who will pay for it. These stakeholders must also address the tradeoffs between privacy and security that often arise in addressing cyber threats. Finally, there needs to be a way to measure the threat and the protections put in place so that the players can make intelligent choices in allocating scare resources.

Key Resources

Our Annotated Bibliography presents and summarizes resources on key issues and themes in Cybersecurity.

The Table of Contents can be searched according to Resource Types, including: Government Reports, Industry Reports and Books.

It can also be searched starting at each of the Broad Topics: Threats and Actors, Issues, and Approaches.

The comprehensive List of Articles is available here: Comprehensive Index

To search via specific Key Words, please review our Keyword Index and Glossary of Core Ideas

References can be accessed in a standard bibliographic format (BibTeX) here: Bibliography

Ongoing Work

A Note on Methodology: The materials featured in this wiki are just a starting point for our inquiry. They were selected as foundational documents on the recommendation of select researchers. During the next phase of the project, experts, policy-makers, academics, and others will be asked to review and evaluate the current collection and make recommendations for additional resources to include. We have also included a list of suggested materials for review and possible inclusion in the next phase of the project.

Additional articles for consideration are listed here: Suggested References to Add to Wiki

About the Project

This wiki is part of the Minerva Initiative.

The resources have been assembled by a team at the Berkman Center for Internet & Society. Contributors include: David Abrams, Jacob Alpert, Urs Gasser, Jack Goldsmith, Shane Matthews, Caroline Nolan, and Felix Treguer.

If you have feedback, comments, or suggested additional readings/resources, please contact Caroline Nolan:

Templates and Wiki Tools

Template for Sources

Guidelines for adding Bibliography entries

Wiki User's Guide