Economics of Cybersecurity

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TOC-> Issues->Economics of Cybersecurity

Bohme, Rainer (2005) Cyber-Insurance Revisited

Camp, L. Jean and Wolfram, Catherine (2004) Pricing Security

Clinton, Larry (Undated) Cyber-Insurance Metrics and Impact on Cyber-Security

Computing Research Association (2003) Four Grand Challenges in Trustworthy Computing

Department of Defense (2007) Mission Impact of Foreign Influence on DoD Software

Financial Services Sector Coordinating Council for Critical Infrastructure Protection (2008) Research Agenda for the Banking and Finance Sector

Institute for Information Infrastructure Protection (2003) Cyber Security Research and Development Agenda

Johnson, Vincent R. (2005) Cybersecurity, Identity Theft, and the Limits of Tort Liability

Lernard, Thomas M. and Rubin, Paul H. (2005) An Economic Analysis of Notification Requirements for Data Security Breaches

National Cyber Defense Initiative (2009) National Cyber Defense Financial Services Workshop Report

National Institute of Standards and Technology (2006) SP 800-82: Guide to Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) and Industrial Control Systems Security

National Research Council (2007) Toward a Safer and More Secure Cyberspace

National Research Council (1999) Trust in Cyberspace

Powell, Benjamin (2005) Is Cybersecurity a Public Good

Romanosky et al. (2008) Do Data Breach Disclosure Laws Reduce Identity Theft

Schwartz, Paul and Janger, Edward (2007) Notification of Data Security Breaches

Swire, Peter P (2004) A Model for When Disclosure Helps Security

Swire, Peter P (2006) A Theory of Disclosure for Security and Competitive Reasons

Telang, Rahul and Wattal, Sunil (2007) Impact of Software Vulnerability Announcements on the Market Value of Software Vendors

van Eeten, Michel J. G. and Bauer, Johannes M. (2008) Economics of Malware

Varian, Hal (2000) Managing Online Security Risks

Varian, Hal (2004) System Reliability and Free Riding

Author 1 Author 2 Year Title Source Expertise Full Text
Anderson, Ross J. 2008 Security Engineering Book Moderate:Technology; Moderate:Cryptography N/A
Anderson, Ross 2001 Why Information Security is Hard Conf. Paper None Pdf AltPdf
Anderson, Ross Moore, Tyler 2006 The Economics of Information Security Journal Article Low:Economics Pdf


Anderson, Ross, et. al 2008 Security Economics and the Internal Market Study Low:Economics Pdf
Arora et al. 2006 Does Information Security Attack Frequency Increase With Vulnerability Disclosure Journal Article Moderate:Economics Pdf
Aviram, Amitai Tor, Avishalom 2004 Overcoming Impediments to Information Sharing Law Review Low:Economics Pdf SSRN
Bohme, Rainer Kataria, Gaurav 2006 Models and Measures for Correlation in Cyber-Insurance Conf. Paper High:Economics Pdf
Bohme, Rainer Schwartz, Galina 2010 Modeling Cyber-Insurance Conf. Paper High:Economics Pdf
Camp, L. Jean Lewis, Stephen 2004 Economics of Information Security Book High:Economics N/A
Computer Economics, Inc. 2007 2007 Malware Report Industry Report None Purchase
Franklin, Jason, et. al 2007 An Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Internet Miscreants Conference Paper Low:Statistics; Low:Economics Pdf Alt Pdf
Gandal, Neil 2008 An Introduction to Key Themes in the Economics of Cyber Security Book Chapter Low:Economics Pdf
Grady, Mark F. Parisi, Francesco 2006 The Law and Economics of Cybersecurity Book Low:Economics; Low:Law N/A
Granick, Jennifer Stisa 2005 The Price of Restricting Vulnerability Publications Law Review Low/Moderate:Law Pdf
Johnson, Eric M. 2008 Managing Information Risk and the Economics of Security Book High:Economics N/A
Kobayashi, Bruce H. 2006 An Economic Analysis of the Private and Social Costs of the Provision of Cybersecurity and Other Public Security Goods Journal Article High:Economics Pdf
Moore, Tyler Clayton, Richard 2009 The Impact of Incentives on Notice and Take-down Book Chapter Moderate:Technology; Low:Law Pdf
Moore, Tyler, et. al 2009 The Economics of Online Crime Journal Article Low:Technology Pdf
Schneier, Bruce 2003 Beyond Fear Book None Scribd
Stohl, Michael 2006 Cyber Terrorism Journal Article None Purchase
Symantec Corporation 2010 Symantec Global Internet Security Threat Report Industry Report Low/Moderate:Technology Pdf
Thomas, Rob Martin, Jerry 2006 The Underground Economy Journal Article Low:Technology Pdf


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