How to Handle an Amazon Feedback Removal Request

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When you have a bad Amazon rating, sooner or later, you'll get a bad review on your Amazon account. Being an Amazon e-book owner, you have to concentrate on Amazon feedback removal just to keep your online business's credibility. If you're still getting negative reviews on your Amazon products, no worries; there are actually several ways on how you can remedy your bad situation and regain your online store's credibility... Read more on Amazon Feedback Removal 

First off, let's discuss some tips that will help you in your quest for better feedback. One thing that new sellers should do before even thinking about Amazon feedback removal is to seek the advice of their primary vendor. Find out whether your primary vendor has any policies that address seller feedback removal. You may want to hire a consultant or a team of experts who can help you determine how you can best improve your business's standing with Amazon. If your primary vendor does not offer any form of support, then you may want to start looking for a new e-book vendor.

After you've determined that your problem lies with Amazon, the next step is to contact Amazon. In an email, request that they instruct the customer service department to remove your listing from their website. Make sure that you provide all the information necessary so that Amazon can process your request for feedback removal. For example, include a copy of the product photographs. Also include a written description of the problem, the items you're selling, and your e-book's unique features.

Some sellers choose to go a different route and create an independent amazon account. This option may be viable if you only want to remove one bad customer. To set up an independent account, sign up for an amazon prepaid card. When you log in to this account, login as the user name "anya" and click on "Pay With Credit Card". Click on "Submit Payment Information" and then follow the onscreen prompts. On the "Remove Customer Details" tab, enter the following information: customer name, address, phone number, social security number, etc...

The easiest way to get negative feedback from Amazon is to list a single negative review. However, this is the path that many sellers choose to take. In this case, it's best to wait a few days and try to amend the review. After a few days, Amazon will likely change their decision and reinstate your seller account. At this point, it's very important that you respond to Amazon's reinstatement prompt in order to get positive reviews for your product. This way, your negative reviews won't appear until after you've received payment from Amazon.

If your product hasn't been listed and/or shown in Amazon reviews, it's a good idea to try a few different methods of Amazon feedback removal. First of all, do not view any feedback until you receive payment for your sold products. Viewing Amazon comments and rating systems before receiving payment will only cause you to be removed from the system if you fail to provide clear and accurate contact information. In addition to not viewing current feedback, sellers should also contact customers who have left negative reviews since Amazon requires additional contact information.

Another way to avoid being removed from Amazon's selling platform is to follow the "satisfaction guarantee" guidelines when filing an order. The most common reason that sellers are asked to provide evidence of customer satisfaction is to ensure that you were satisfied with the products you ordered. Amazon will require sellers to provide proof that a buyer has left a valid, truthful, and complete feedback or rating. To file your Amazon feedback removal request, enter your order id, shipping address, and the product descriptions. You may also enter an address for package tracking or insurance purposes.

You can also select the "submit" button to send your request to Amazon. There's also a link to call Amazon to make a further request. Once you have submitted your request, wait at least two weeks to receive your feedback. If Amazon does not accept your case, then you'll need to resubmit your dispute. Keep in mind that this process can be time-consuming, so it is advised that you resolve your problem quickly.