What is a Google Review QR Code

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You probably know what QR Codes are. They are advanced-level barcodes that can store alphanumeric information. And today, they are being widely used for marketing, payments, education, inventory tracking, etc.

Once you create a Google Review QR Code for your business, you can add it to your bills, carry bags, or even in-store posters.

When your customers scan it, they will be redirected to a webpage where they can directly submit their reviews. They do not have to do manual typing anymore.

An easy scan via smartphone is all that it will take. That simple!

You now know what a Google Review QR Code is. And you’re probably thinking—how do I create one for my business. Keep reading to know-how. Buy Google Reviews

How to create a QR Code to get Google Reviews

First, you’ll need to create a direct link to your Google Reviews page. This will help redirect the customers directly to the review page, making the process easier for them.

1. Create a Google Reviews page

Follow these steps to generate the direct link:

1. Go to Google Place ID Tool

2. Enter the name of your business. Make sure to enter the name your Google My Business Name has listed

3. Copy your Place ID which is nothing but a string of letters and numbers, listed under your business name

Paste your place ID into the following link:

https://search.google.com/local/writereview?placeid=PASTE PLACE ID HERE

Once you’ve created the direct link, you need to now create a Website URL QR Code.

To create a QR Code, you’ll need an online QR Code generator. And if you also want to track its scanning activity, go for the one that offers a scan tracking feature. Not sure what it is?

Scan tracking allows you to monitor how many times your QR Code has been scanned. Where was it scanned from? And when was it scanned? Such information helps you draw valuable insights into the performance of your campaigns.

To find a QR Code generator, you’d want to explore the best possible options online, right? But won’t it be too tedious to compare all of them one by one?

Don’t worry. Here’s a detailed comparison chart of the topmost QR Code generators. You can go through it to decide the best one for your use case.

Create a QR Code

Follow these steps to create a QR Code:

1. Go to Scanova. Click on Create QR Code

2. Select the Website URL category from amongst other QR Code categories.

3. Enter the link and click Create QR Code

4. Next, you’ll see two QR Code designs. You can choose custom with the logo or custom with the background.

Note that a customized QR Code attracts more scans than a black-and-white one. Hence, to attract maximum scans, design your QR Code.

5. Once your QR Code is ready, say after you design it, you can click on preview. If everything looks fine, proceed to download.

6. To download the QR Code, you need to create an account. Here, Sign Up to get started with a 14-day free trial.

7. Once you Sign Up, click on the download icon. A pop-up will appear prompting you to specify the QRCode image size and format. Once you enter the details, click Export.

Your QR Code has been created. You can now print it and share it with your end-users.

That’s all you need to know about a QR Code for Google Review. It makes it easier for your customers to submit their reviews online. And helps you get as many customers as possible to review your business.

A good number of reviews gives your potential customers confidence to opt for your services. And even helps you get a good SEO rank and better business. So get started on creating a QR Code for your business today.

That’s all you need to know about QR codes for Google Reviews. If you still have questions, feel free to ask in the comments section below. 8. Or Buy Google Reviews usa