Uploads by AClearwater

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File list
Date Name Thumbnail Size Description Versions
15:02, 12 November 2009 Medical Technology Innovation Pathway.jpg (file) 84 KB Source: Priorities for Personalized Medicine, prepared by your Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST). Available at: http://www.ostp.gov/galleries/PCAST/pcast_report_v2.pdf 1
13:01, 6 November 2009 The Economic Impact of Licensed Commercialized Inventions.jpg (file) 100 KB The Economic Impact of Licensed Commercialized Inventions Originating in University Research, 1996-2007, Biotechnology Industry Organization Available at: http://www.bio.org/ip/techtransfer/BIO_final_report_9_3_09_rev_2.pdf 1
17:28, 1 October 2009 Top 30 entities holding US DNA Patents (Pressman).jpg (file) 58 KB   1
17:27, 1 October 2009 Number of US DNA Patents (Pressman).jpg (file) 44 KB   1
15:17, 25 September 2009 Univ Pressman.jpg (file) 47 KB   1
15:15, 25 September 2009 Top Univ holding DNA Patents (Pressman).jpg (file) 138 KB   1
10:17, 1 May 2009 Goldwind Market Share.jpg (file) 43 KB A Comparison of Wind Power Industry Development Strategies in Spain, India and China Joanna I. Lewis July 19, 2007 http://www.resource-solutions.org/pub_pdfs/Lewis.Wind.Industry.Development.India.Spain.China.July.2007.pdf 1
10:27, 27 April 2009 China's Energy Policy.jpg (file) 214 KB Taken from page 2 of Renewable Energy Policy in China: Overview National Renewable Energy Laboratory http://www.nrel.gov/docs/fy04osti/35786.pdf 1
12:22, 3 April 2009 SunPower Core IP.jpg (file) 60 KB Copied from 2007 Annual Report: http://files.shareholder.com/downloads/SPWR/336743500x0x182669/d290981e-816a-4179-aaff-fde71cc3a8ad/2007AnnualReport.pdf 1
10:09, 24 March 2009 Macroforprofit.png (file) 20 KB   3