Peter Levy Interview Notes - September 18, 2009
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Conducted with Erhardt Graeff and Carolina Rossini in person at the Berkman Center on September 18, 2009, discussing Curriki's approach to OER.
- Peter Levy
- Strategic Partnerships, Curriki
- Email: plevy [at] curriki [dot] org
- Sustainability -> Toward traditional publishing model
- Follow up to discussion of Future of OER
- How can our research and connections help facilitation greater partnering between OER projects and/or with traditional publishers?
- PETER on OER: “It's got to exist and its got to be easy to use or nobody will use it”
- ASIDE: Peter's slide deck is for content partners
Intro to Curriki
- Spun out 3.5 years ago from Sun Microsystems (largely funded personally by Scott McNealy)
- All code is LPGL, all content is CC-BY
- First/Largest OER project in K-12
- Tests show that standards-based curriculum push students to score better on standardized tests--does not apply to supplementary materials.
- There is not going to be any
- Legislation in Indiana for public textbook dollars to be used for electronic resources
- Texas is now allowing e-Textbooks to go through adoption process
- Gov. Perry signed new law to liberalize how textbook dollars are spent
- THE Journal, Geoff Fletcher has been covering this
- CAN INTERVIEW HIM via Peter Levy
Curriki Statistics
- 85,000 registered members
- 31,000+ assets (ranges in size from whole course to individual worksheet)
- PBS Newshour, Sesame Workshop, and more
- Assets will double in next year if trends continue
- HuffPost blog on OpenTech by Curriki to start Monday
- For-profit pubishers
- Non-profit publishers/organizations
- School districts/regional organizations
- Ministries of education
- Schools of education
- The global community of educators
Community Activity/Editing
- About 10% of community is very involved
- Within 24 hours of posting, a human checks uploaded content for being appropriate
- Then a subject content expert reviews material (search by topics for things that have already been reviewed)
Future Developments
- To deal with interoperability: plug into LMS
- LMS would manage different formats and different content licenses
- Curriki is putting together a module for teachers to learn how to use and participate in OER (professional development ?)
- Curriki is about creating high organized database of content and displaying it (not set up to provide an interactive interface) -- VidiTalk allows for video use -- but its about displaying database content
- The point is not building these kind of sites, but going into schools and getting teachers to use this (OER) content/contribute.
- “Honestly, I think that sustainability is still a giant question mark”
- Outside of very big donors like Hewlett or Scott McNealy, Curriki is not sustainable
Here is the ‘learn list’
- If you don’t like the this then try this alternative
- Asst. Superintendents for Instruction, Dept. Heads
- Job will change to curating from all different sources to provide teachers a custom selection of content that adheres to standards and fits a variety of instructional forms (interactive process)
- Traditional publishers will have to radically change to service provision creating the interfaces and custom databases of content for each educational context (school)
- Asst. Superintendents for Instruction, Dept. Heads
OPINION: Adoption of these kind of models and OER needs to be top-down in order to truly pervade industry
Some community member gave Curriki
- If you are approved on one standard then you get listed as “approved”
- Find out actual adoption of CK-12 books (no one is adopting these books, no one is even talking about them)
- Continue Education Credit through Foothill College for learning instructional design in under to evaluate existing Curriki content and improve them
Professional leadership in education program at Harvard
Discourse about how curriculum mandates standards are a barrier to adoption of open models / not Flickr,
- Test-based versus learning-based
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