Legislation on Policy Theme 6 for EM

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POLICY THEME 6: Recommend that institutions explore alternative textbook sources or otherwise innovate to reduce costs of educational materials


SB: Senate Bill HB: House Bill
SR: Senate Resolution HR: House Resolution
AB: Assembly Bill AR: Assembly Resolution
SF: Senate File HF: House File
HCR: Concurrent Resolution LB: Legislative Bill

Proposed and Passed State Legislation (2004-2007)

compiled from ACSFA 2007

  1. AB 2678 (CA), vetoed 9/16/04, allows for institutions to offer textbook rental programs, legislation considered unnecessary
  2. HB 1024 (CO), signed into law 6/1/06, nonbinding requirement that each state college/university consider creating online textbook libraries
  3. HB 953 (HI), died in committee 2/6/07, requests U of Hawaii establishing textbook lending libraries at 7 community campuses
  4. HB 3745 (IL), introduced 2/24/06, mandate Board of Higher Ed develop textbook rental program for public institutions
  5. SB 2989 (IL), introduced 1/20/06, amends HB 3745 (IL) to stipulate all publication institutions must rent textbooks to students to be implemented by fall 2008 academic term
  6. HR 1080 (IL), introduced 3/24/06 & SR 692 (IL), introduced 3/28/06, commissions a Board of Higher Ed study to research textbook rental programs
  7. SB 325 (IL), introduced 2/7/07, requires public institutions to implement and report on no charge textbook reserves, buyback programs, and campus book swaps
  8. SB 1689 (IL), introduced 2/9/07, requires Board of Higher Ed to commence public university rental program for 2009-2010 academic year
  9. SB 785 (MD), introduced 2/14/07 & HB 1269 (MD), introduced 2/22/03, require public institutions to develop plan to include cost of textbooks in tuition and prohibit any requirements that students buy textbooks not covered by tuition
  10. SR 24 (MI), introduced 4/20/05, urges institutions to coordinate on mass textbook orders to negotiate lower prices from publishers
  11. SF 1314 (MN), introduced 2/26/07 & HF 1508 (MN), introduced 3/1/07, non-binding authorization of self-sustaining rental programs
  12. SF 1989 (MN), introduced 3/19/07, replaces rental programs in SF 1314 (MN) with appropriations to pilot for developing new practices in selecting and buying textbooks as well as returns policies allowing students to buy books with tuition plans and fee waivers
  13. AB 4036 (NJ), introduced 5/5/05 & AB 994 (NJ), introduced 1/10/06, authorizes public institutions to develop textbook rental programs
  14. AB 11759 (NY), introduced 6/8/06 & SB 6804 (NY), passed 6/15/06, require institutions receiving public funds to identify ways to reduce cost to students of textbooks
  15. SB 151 (OH), introduced 4/24/07, bookstores must buy back books at 50% of intended resell price and institutions must place at least 2 copies of each textbook in school library
  16. HB 2380 (OK), introduced 1/18/06, requires all public institutions in state to develop textbook rental and sale program
  17. HB 1257 (TN), introduced 2/12/07 & SB 2076 (TN), introduced 2/15/07, institutions must make available free copies of textbooks through department or library
  18. HB 956 (TX), introduced 1/30/07, requires institutions to extend credit to students purchasing books off-campus, Texas Building and Procurement Commission will negotiate textbook pricing bought in bulk


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