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Bibliographic entries used in each research question (based on the [[Field Research Methodology]]).
Bibliographic entries used in each research question (based on the [[Field Research Methodology]]). Sources are divided by relevance to the K-12 or Higher Education segments of the Educational Materials research. Some sources are used in the research about both segments and are listed twice (under both segment headings).

== Overview of Economics of Intellectual Property in EM ==
== Overview of Economics of Intellectual Property in EM ==

Revision as of 16:59, 17 April 2010

Bibliographic entries used in each research question (based on the Field Research Methodology). Sources are divided by relevance to the K-12 or Higher Education segments of the Educational Materials research. Some sources are used in the research about both segments and are listed twice (under both segment headings).

Overview of Economics of Intellectual Property in EM

K-12 Sources

  • Cola, C. et al., 2009. Crossing the K-12 digital divide: Understanding and playing in a complex market. TS Insights, 5(1). Available at: [Accessed May 5, 2009].
  • Iiyoshi, T. & Kumar, M.S.V., 2008. Opening Up Education: The Collective Advancement of Education through Open Technology, Open Content, and Open Knowledge, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

Higher Education Sources

  • Bakos, Y., Brynjolfsson, E. & Lichtman, D., 1999. Shared Information Goods, University of Chicago Law School, John M. Olin Law & Economics Working Paper No. 67. Available at: [Accessed April 3, 2009].
  • Besen, S.M. & Kirby, S.N., 1987. Private Copying, Appropriability, and Optimal Copying Royalties. Santa Monica, Calif: The RAND Corporation. Available at: [Accessed April 4, 2009].
  • Besen, S.M., 1986. Private copying, reproduction costs, and the supply of intellectual property. Information Economics and Policy, 2(1), 5-22.
  • Cola, C. et al., 2009. Crossing the K-12 digital divide: Understanding and playing in a complex market. TS Insights, 5(1). Available at: [Accessed May 5, 2009].
  • Dyl, E.A., 1983. A note on price discrimination by academic journals. Library Quarterly, 53, 161-168.
  • Iiyoshi, T. & Kumar, M.S.V., 2008. Opening Up Education: The Collective Advancement of Education through Open Technology, Open Content, and Open Knowledge, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.
  • Liebowitz, S.J., 1985. Copying and Indirect Appropriability: Photocopying of Journals. Journal of Political Economy, 93(5), 945-57.
  • Spilhaus, Jr., A.F., 1982. Page charges. In Ad Hoc Committee on Economics of Publication, ed. Economics of Scientific Journals. Bethesda, MD: Council of Biology Editors.

Overall Picture of the EM field

General Sources

  • ACSFA, 2007. Proposed and Passed State Legislation Pertaining to Textbook Affordability (2004-2007), Washington, DC: Advisory Committee on Student Financial Assistance. Available at: [Accessed March 12, 2009].
  • Book Industry Study Group, 2005. Book Industry Trends, New York: Book Industry Study Group.
  • Book Industry Study Group, 2008. Book Industry Trends, New York: Book Industry Study Group.
  • Burrus, C.S., 2007. Connexions: An Open Educational Resource for the 21st Century. Educational Technology Magazine: The Magazine for Managers of Change in Education, 47(6), 19-22.
  • Greco, A.N., 1997. The Book Publishing Industry, Boston: Allyn and Bacon.
  • Greco, A.N., Rodriguez, C.E. & Wharton, R.M., 2007. The Culture and Commerce of Publishing in the 21st Century, Stanford, Calif: Stanford Business Books.
  • Lardinois, F., 2009 (July 31). 'Google's Vision for the Future of Google Books: EBook Store, Google Editions'. The New York Times. Available at: [Accessed August 5, 2009].
  • McIlroy, T., 2008 (August 7). 'The Future of Educational Publishing'. 'The Future of Publishing. Available at: [Accessed May 6, 2009].
  • U.S. Census Bureau, Company Statistics Division & Bowan, L., 2008. Number of Firms, Number of Establishments, Employment, and Annual Payroll by Employment Size of the Enterprise for the United States, All Industries 2006, Washington, D.C.: U.S. Census Bureau. Available at: [Accessed March 19, 2009].

K-12 Sources

Higher Education Sources

Outputs and Products of the field: Data, narratives and tools produced by the EM field

Legal tools available for and in use by the actors of EM field: IP in EM

Competitive advantages in EM

IP Profile of Biggest for-profit companies in EM

IP Profile of non-profit companies in EM

IP Profile of Universities working in EM

IP Profile of Associations in EM

Commons-based Cases in EM

Alternative Business Models in EM