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[h2o-discuss] Boston Globe stories

Eric Eldred wrote:
>Wouldn't this make a good case for the Berkman
>Center?  Can somebody refer this to Simson Garfunkel
>for his Boston Globe column and other writings
>(I haven't had much success in feeding him stories.)

Despite the simil-rarities of the names, I am not related to the Globe
columnist and security pundit, who spells his last name "Garfinkel" with an
'i'. Nor does the nominal connection help me any better in contributing to
his stories.

Simson's nose for local leads notwithstanding, the Globe did come through
today with their a cover story in their Magazine on the crusade of a "New
Hampshire bibliophile" to reclaim copyrights for the public.
Congratulations, Eric!

It's a very good piece, detailing the arguments from Eric and Prof. Lessig,
as well as some explanation of how the Bono Copyright bill  zipped through
the Lewinsky-focused Congress and media. Readers outside the Hub can find
the story here:



sorry... you've reached the wrong demographic.