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Re: [DMCA_Discuss] Re: [dvd-discuss] "Consumer Benefits" of DRMsolutionsoversight hearing - witness list

On Sunday, June 9, 2002, at 11:08  PM, Scott A Crosby wrote:

> On Fri, 7 Jun 2002, Tom wrote:
>> On Fri, Jun 07, 2002 at 08:05:25AM -0700, Michael A Rolenz wrote:
>>> "In capitalism, information (anything, actually) is something to make
>>> money with."
>>> No that's called greed and is not limited to capitalism but can be 
>>> found
>>> in socialism, communism, fascism, and even organized religion.
>> yes, but none of them have made it the core principle of the system.
> I believe a Heinlein quote whose beginning goes something like:
>   '' Don't try to appeal to a man's better nature. He has none. (You get
> better results appealing to his fear or greed. [??]) ''

Never appeal to a man's "better nature". He may not have one. Invoking 
his self-interest gives you more leverage."

Robert A. Heinlein. 1973. "Intermission: Excerpts from  the Notebooks of 
Lazarus Long". in _Time Enough For Love_.