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Re: [dvd-discuss]My apologies for HTML format

On Mon, May 13, 2002 at 08:27:55PM -0700, microlenz@earthlink.net wrote:
> Hmmm....sounds as if there could be another use for the DMCA. Somebody writes a 
> "FIXUPWINDOWS" which eliminates all this junk, deletes the useless stuff, 
> patches the OS to look for things in the right places and strips out the DLLs 
> that are really the only ones used...SO are they circumventing access controls 
> to the Sacred Windows OS? You can bet that the Microsoft lawyers are probably 
> working on that one....

nope, someone already did (it's called something with "light" -
win98light or so) and I don't remember them getting sued.

probably, in the light of the antitrust suit and M$ officials SWORN
TESTIMONY that this is impossible, they don't want to draw any
attention to this nifty little tool...

pub  1024D/D88D35A6 2001-11-14 Tom Vogt <tom@lemuria.org>
     Key fingerprint = 276B B7BB E4D8 FCCE DB8F  F965 310B 811A D88D 35A6