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[dvd-discuss] Re: [dvd-discuss digest] V #45

Dear List,

comments on the digest today:

Firstly, the graphic design of fonts is not copyrightable under U.S. law
(but is in Europe).  Thus the bitmap representations of characters have no
protection under U.S. law at all.  However, U.S. law does protect the
computer definition of these fonts in a TTF or Type1 font definition.

Secondly, in the "linking" debate.  There is already a technical method to
prevent unwanted linking on the web, by checking the HTTP_REFERRER header.
Sites could technically prevent unwanted linking, without resort to any
legal shenanigans.

I believe that there was a court case a while back, but I don't remember
where:  a site was including other sites material in a frameset without
identifying it, making it appear that it was original content.  This was
ruled inappropriate use of copyright material.  But if the material was
identified as coming from a "foriegn" site, then everything was fine.

Thirdly, is it possible to reduce the amount of quoting on the list?  I
often have to scroll through miles of quoted material on this list to
extract a little information: quoting only the relevant material would make
it easier to follow the sometimes elongated arguments on the list.  Thanks!

** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **
**   Benjamin Smedberg, Director of Music    **
**   St. Patrick's Church, Washington D.C.   **
**  VOX 202-347-2713 x102 - FAX 202-347-1401 **
**           bdsmedberg@hotmail.com          **
**             "Soli Deo Gloria"             **
** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **