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Re: [dvd-discuss] Text of Sen. Hollings' revised SSSCA, now called the CBDTPA

How about

"Consumers Better Dump This Pernicious Ass".

I skimmed Hollings comments...what sort of drugs is he on? Surely Geritol can't 
do all that.

Peter J., Arnold R. have already sent letters to the judiciary committee. THE 
more letters they get the better.

To:             	dvd-discuss@eon.law.harvard.edu
From:           	iang@abraham.cs.berkeley.edu (Ian Goldberg)
Subject:        	Re: [dvd-discuss] Text of Sen. Hollings' revised SSSCA, now 
called the CBDTPA
Date sent:      	22 Mar 2002 01:24:25 GMT
Organization:   	ISAAC Group, UC Berkeley
Send reply to:  	dvd-discuss@eon.law.harvard.edu

> That's a crazy acronym.  People will have a hard time criticizing a bill
> they can't remember the name of.
> Kat and I suggest thinking "Consumers Better Dump This Pernicious Act".
>    - Ian