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[dvd-discuss] Civil Disobedience and the DMCA

   I have a hypothetical question.  What if one were to offer a program
such as DeCSS or the Videolan DVD player for sale at some modest
price (say $0.42 a copy).  Would this trigger the criminal provisions
of the DMCA and would the Feds be obligated to prosecute this individual?
As far as I can tell, there is no minimum dollar amount required for
running afoul of the DMCA's "commercial advantage or private financial
gain" criminal section.

   In the case of civil infractions of the DMCA, the plaintiffs
are able to pick and choose who they go after.   Does the government have
such leeway in the case of criminal infractions?  Would their be any legal
precendents set if the government simply chose to ignore such actions?

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