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Re: [dvd-discuss] When you though things couldn't get any weirder...

Fortunately (not for me, because I forwarded that URL around), this is a
hoax.  The two internal links are to pages on www.scoopthis.com, whose
header reads, "Because if it's on the net, it must be true."

I gotta learn.  Too outrageous, how could I have let myself be fooled?



Stephen L Johnson wrote:
> A friend of mine forwarded me this link:
> http://www.411mania.com/music/news/article.php?news_id=3586
> Snippet:
> -----
> According to MTV.com, Metallica are suing independant Canadian rockers
> Unfaith over what they call "unsanctioned usage of two chords
> [Metallica] have been using since 1982 : E and F."
> -----
> According to an MTV.com article link in the article, it's a trademark
> infringement case. Huh!?!? Since when does the PTO allow a trademark
> consisting of a sequence of two cords?


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