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[dvd-discuss] CTEA Protects What Copyrights?

Just a morbid thought here...

Let's look at what ISN"T protected by copyright these days and was created under the old system...

Einstein's Theory of Relativity (General and Special), Photoelectric effect, Brownian Motion - All of his seminal papers are in the Public Domain and Created using the Old system
J.C.Maxwell's Treatise on Electromagnetics
The works of Kant, Nietzche,Dewey, Schopenoer, Hume,
The Lincoln Douglas Debates as edited by A. Lincoln.
THe majority of the first hand accounts of the Civil War including the Century Series. Memoirs of Grant, Sherman, Sheridan, Alexander
The works of Dumas, Whitman, Melville, Poe, Twain, Crane, Longfellow, Browning, Tennyson,Shelley(s), Byron,Conan Doyle, Stoker
The majority of the films of DW Griffith.
The works of Bach, Mozart, Beethoven, Shubert, Schumann, Chopin,Strauss(es), Wagner, Debussy,

IN comparison under the CTEA we find

Disney spent lots of money to preserve Mickey Mouse and PoohBear.
The estate of Dr Suess pleaded with the SCOTUS to save them from the Public Domain
Poor Little Madeline may have had her appendix taken out but the estate also pleaded to the SCOTUS "Don't take Madeline away from us"
Eddy Duchin's widow wants to keep her husbands work to herself so that when or if it finally does get into the public domain, nobody will even know or care who Eddy Duchin was. Ditto for Irving Berlin. Ditto for Tin Pan Alley. Ditto for the music of my parent and my grand parents.
Quincy Jones never wants his works to enter the Public Domain....

"Fifty may be nifty but 28 is great"