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Re: [dvd-discuss] Hacking requires search warrant -- ruling

On Fri, Nov 15, 2002 at 02:11:54PM -0800, Michael A Rolenz wrote:
> I liked the comment on "The hacker then played the role of a 
> cybervigilante"...Rep. Berman's bill is of the same ilk. What the good 
> Congressman doesn't seem to grasp is the notions on innocence until proven 
> guilty IN A COURT OF LAW and as such, the media content providers are 
> acting as cyybervigilantes and no act of congress can make it otherwise. 
> Berman wants to subvert the judicial system.

Still fooled by the smoke and mirrors?

Even the media mafia knows that they are treating on very thin ice
there, and that even if they get a law passed in the US, they will get
sued to hell and back in other countries if they actually go cracking
Not to mention that they're talking about what is a CRIME in most
western jurisdictions. "conspiracy to commit a criminal offense"
anyone? As soon as this leaves the FUD stage, RIAA is in the same
league as MAFIA, and unless they are even more stupid than I believe
them to be, they know it.

pub  1024D/2D7A04F5 2002-05-16 Tom Vogt <tom@lemuria.org>
     Key fingerprint = C731 64D1 4BCF 4C20 48A4  29B2 BF01 9FA1 2D7A 04F5