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Re: [dvd-discuss] Teach ACT OF2001 -NOTHING to do with Teachingbut DMCA Tothe Classroom

On 01/30/02 at 14:58, 'twas brillig and Michael A Rolenz scrobe:
> Sorry to double post but 
> ftp://ftp.loc.gov/pub/thomas/cp107/sr031.txt 

>       Second, in the case of a digital transmission, the transmitting body 
>    or institution is required to apply technological measures to prevent 
>    (i) retention of the work in accessible form by recipients to which it 
>    sends the work for longer than the class session, and (ii) unauthorized 
>    further dissemination of the work in accessible form by such 
> recipients.
>    Measures intended to limit access to authorized recipients of 
>    transmissions from the transmitting body or institution are not 
>    addressed in this subparagraph (2)(D). Rather, they are the subjects of 
>    subparagraphs (2)(C). 
>       The requirement that technological measures be applied to limit 
>    retention for no longer than the ``class session'' refers back to the 
>    requirement that the performance be made as an ``integral part of a 
>    class session.'' The duration of a ``class session'' in asynchronous 
>    distance education would generally be that period during which a 
> student
>    is logged on to the server of the institution or governmental body 
>    making the display or performance, but is likely to vary with the needs 
>    of the student and with the design of the particular course. It does 
> not
>    mean the duration of a particular course (i.e., a semester or term), 
> but
>    rather is intended to describe the equivalent of an actual single 
>    face-to-face mediated class session (although it may be asynchronous 
> and
>    one student may remain online or retain access to the performance or 
>    display for longer than another student as needed to complete the class 
>    session). Although flexibility is necessary to accomplish the 
>    pedagogical goals of distance education, the Committee expects that a 
>    common sense construction will be applied so that a copy or phonorecord 
>    displayed or performed in the course of a distance education program 
>    would not remain in the possession of the recipient in a way that could 
>    substitute for acquisition or for uses other than use in the particular 
>    class session.

	SonofaBITCH! I'm supposed to institute DRMs so that students
can't keep their class notes, just because the professor included a
snippet of Knuth or Comer & Stevens?! Fsck that!

	And from the student perspective -- the long-term utility of
the lecture notes and handouts of a technical course can be enormous.
I was checking the lecture notes for some of my programming classes
*long* after I'd ceased being an undergrad. 

Ole Craig * olc@cs.umass.edu * UNIX; postmaster, news, web; SGI martyr *
CS Computing Facility, UMass * <www.cs.umass.edu/~olc/> for public key 

perl -e 'print$i=pack(c5,(41*2),sqrt(7056),(unpack(c,H)-2),oct(115),10);'