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Re: [dvd-discuss] two articles


but unlike software which most people don't have a firm grasp on.  This is
so obviously wrong it's laughable.  How can the court keep a straight
face.  If I were the judge.. even if that law were in place.. I would
refuse to rule against them on the grounds that the law is so completely
obviously not valid.

 -- noahs ilva 

On Tue, 20 Nov 2001, Michael A Rolenz wrote:

> It's control....Levi's wants to control who distributed their jeans and 
> who doesn't to undercut those graymarketters.....reminds me of M$......
> Noah silva <nsilva@atari-source.com>
> Sent by: owner-dvd-discuss@eon.law.harvard.edu
> 11/20/01 01:48 PM
> Please respond to dvd-discuss
>         To:     dvd-discuss@eon.law.harvard.edu
>         cc: 
>         Subject:        Re: [dvd-discuss] two articles
> I don't see what the second case has to do with trademark at all.  If they
> were actually Levi jeans.. then there was no trademark violation IMO.
>   -- noah silva 
> > 
> > The second reports that the "First Sale" doctrines do not trump 
> > trademark rights in the European Union. Levi Strauss sued Tesco to stop 
> > Tesco from reimporting American Levi jeans andd reselling them in their 
> > UK supermarkets at cut rate prices.
> > 
> > http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A59520-2001Nov20.html
> > 
> > 