Berkman Center 2014-2015 Orientation: Technical Showcase with the Geeks
Follow the Berkman Centaur! This event is part of a series of kick-off activities for the 2014-2015 academic year. If you are student, faculty member, fellow, interested member of the public, or lover of LOLcats, we welcome you to join us at one or more of these gatherings.
Wednesday, September 17, 2014 at 3:00 pm
Pound Hall, Room 100, Harvard Law School (Map)
Free and Open to the Public
Refreshments will be served
The Berkman Center for Internet & Society welcomes students and other Harvard community members to an open session with the Center’s software development and systems operations team (affectionately known as "The Geeks”).
Jonathan Zittrain, George Bemis Professor of Law at Harvard Law School and the Harvard Kennedy School of Government, Professor of Computer Science at the Harvard School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, Director of the Harvard Law School Library, and Faculty Director of the Berkman Center for Internet & Society, will kick things off, and the Geeks will present some of the most interesting projects and initiatives currently on our plates.
The Berkman Center's Geek Cave works with ruby, perl, php, bash, jQuery, PostgreSQL, MySQL and a slew of other tools to build and extend open source software, create scalable websites, and manage the mixed desktop network that keeps the Center moving. We have a small group of talented, devoted, fun, full-time developers on staff that want to hear about your 1337 coding skillz and talk about fun projects to pair code or geek out on; two project managers to give you tips to about keeping your work on track; and technologists to talk about what hardware and software support it takes to deploy our projects on Berkman infrastructure.
This is a great opportunity to learn more in detail about the technical work done at the Berkman Center, to learn how your own personal or class-related projects might align with the Center’s, and to consider ways you might be able to collaborate with our team on some of the work we have lined up for this year!
More info about the projects that we work on can be found on our github organization page at http://github.com/berkmancenter.
To find more information about this year’s Berkman Center community, visit: http://cyber.harvard.edu/newsroom/2014_2015_community. Connect with the Berkman community, and others at Harvard University and in the area on a variety of topic areas, by adding your information to Hei.