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Stories, videos, podcasts, and more from our community of staff, fellows, faculty associates, and affiliates

e-flux Journal

The Hacking of Culture and the Creation of Socio-Technical Debt

Bruce Schneier co-writes that the increased prominance of data and algorithms have shifted power and culture from nations to corporations. 

Jun 27, 2024
Harvard Magazine

Mechanical Intelligence and Counterfeit Humanity

Harry R. Lewis crafts a view of the future of AI and humanity by reflecting on the past six decades of computer advancement.

Jun 27, 2024

Seiji Isotani elected president of the International Artificial Intelligence in Education Society

BKC Faculty Associate Seiji Isotani has been elected president of the International Artificial Intelligence in Education Society (IAIED).

Jun 24, 2024
Harvard Business Review

How Micro-Choices and Games Motivate Gig Workers

Lindsey Cameron writes about gig workers' agency.

Jun 21, 2024

Global AI Regulation: Protecting Rights; Leveraging Collaboration

Policy experts from Africa, Europe, Latin America, and North America outlined next steps for global AI regimes and networked capacity building

BKC Senior Director of Programs and Strategy Lis Sylvan and former BKC Research Assistant Niharika Vattikonda summarize the Global Network of Internet and Society Research Center…

Jun 13, 2024
Initiative for Digital Public Infrastructure at UMass Amherst

Reframing Digital Safety with Diana Freed: For Survivors and Youth, The Biggest Threats Come From Everyday Tech

Diana Freed sits down with Ethan Zuckerman to talk about digital safety for young people and survivors of intimate partner violence.

May 29, 2024

TikTok offered an extraordinary deal. The U.S. government took a pass.

Anupam Chander provides expert commentary and analysis to Drew Harwell regarding the possible TikTok ban.

May 29, 2024
Tech Policy Press

More Questions Than Flags: Reality Check on DSA’s Trusted Flaggers

Dylan Moses and Elodie Vialle react to the DSA's 100 days.

May 28, 2024
Belfer Center for International Affairs

Seeing Like a Data Structure

Bruce Schneier writes about data and technology in human society.

May 23, 2024
Harvard Magazine

Harvard Professor Bruce Schneier on AI Regulation and Data Protection Policies

Bruce Schneier speaks on the impact of AI on cybersecurity, democracy, and privacy

May 23, 2024
The Boston Globe

ChatGPT is at odds with what education is for

Jane Rosenzweig writes on the tension between OpenAI's goal of reducing friction through AI and the importance of friction in education.

May 22, 2024

The Deadly Digital Frontiers at the Border

Petra Molnar discusses AI surveillance at the border.

May 21, 2024
The Conversation

TikTok law threatening a ban if the app isn’t sold raises First Amendment concerns

Anupam Chander and Gautam Hans discusses the legal challenge filed by TikTok against the U.S. government over the Protecting Americans from Foreign Adversary Controlled…

May 21, 2024
Tech Policy Press

What We're Talking About When We Talk About Rural AI

Jasmine McNealy checks in with Justin Hendrix on her two day workshop touching on topics such as discrimination in algorithmic systems.

May 12, 2024
The Regulatory Review

Is AI-Facilitated Gender-Based Violence the Next Pandemic?

"The rise of deep fakes and other AI-generated misinformation presents a direct threat to women’s freedom."

May 6, 2024
The New York Times

I Love Facebook. That’s Why I’m Suing Meta.

Ethan Zuckerman discusses his decision to sue Meta.

May 5, 2024
The New York Times

I Love Facebook. That’s Why I’m Suing Meta.

Ethan Zuckerman explains why he is seeking, with the Knight First Amendment Institute, a court ruling protecting the use of middleware apps that give users more agency over what…

May 5, 2024
Integrity Institute

Workplace ethics and activism with Nadah Feteih

Nadah Feteih discusses tech ethics and activism from within the tech industry, particularly from trust and safety team members.

May 5, 2024

The State of Crypto Is Anything But Strong

Molly White writes about the state of the crypto industry.

May 2, 2024