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A prize awarded to up to four MathematicianS (under forty) at each InternationalCongressOfMathematics since 1936 and regularly since 1948 at the iniative of the Canadian mathematican Fields. [ IMU Fields Medal pages]

The purpose is to give recognition and support to young mathematical researchers having already made important contributions.

* 2002 ([[Beijing]], [[China]]): bets are open
* 1998 ([[Berlin]], [[Germany]]): [[Richard Borcherds]], [[William T. Gowers]], [[Maxim Kontsevich]], [[Curtis McMullen]]  
* 1994 ([[Zurich]], [[Switzerland]]): [[Efim Zelmanov]], [[Jacques-Louis Lions]], [[Jean Bourgain]], [[Jean-Christophe Yoccoz]] 
* 1990 ([[Kyoto]], [[Japan]]): [[Vladimir Drinfeld]], [[Vaughan F.R. Jones]], [[Shigefumi Mori]], [[Edward Witten]]
* 1986 ([[Berkeley]], CA)[[Simon Donaldson]], [[Gerd Faltings]], [[Michael Freedman]]
* 1983 ([[Warsawa]], [[Poland]]): [[Alain Connes]], [[William Thurston]], [[ShingTungYau]]
* 1978 ([[Vancouver]], [[Canada]]): [[Pierre Deligne]], [[Charles Fefferman]], [[Grigory Margulis]], [[Daniel Quillen]]
* 1974 ([[Helsinki]], [[Finland]]): [[Enrico Bombieri]], [[David Mumford]]
* 1970 ([[Nice]], [[France]]): [[Alan Baker]], [[Heisuke Hironaka]], [[Sergei Novikov]], [[John G Thompson]]
* 1966 ([[Moskva]], [[Russia]]): [[Michael Atiyah]], [[Paul J. Cohen]], [[Alexander Grothendieck]], [[Stephen Smale]]
* 1962 (([[Stockholm]], [[Sweden]]): [[Lars Hormander]], [[John Milnor]]
* 1958 : [[Klaus Roth]], [[Rene Thom]]
* 1954 : [[Kunihiko Kodaira]], [[Jean-Pierre Serre]]
* 1950 : [[Laurent Schwartz]], [[Atle Selberg]]
* 1936 : [[Lars Ahlfors]], [[Jesse Douglas]]

Famous contemporary mathematicians not having received this award:

ErdösPal (which could have shared Selberg medal for instance), VladimirArnold.
Don't forget the NevanlinnaPrize.