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From Peter Suber
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(126 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
Line 92: Line 92:
* [ Promote OATP]
* [ Promote OATP]
* [ Recruiting the crowd]
* [ Recruiting the crowd]
* [ Retreat 2018]
* [ Retreat 2020]
* [ Revising OSC FAQs]
* [ Revising OSC FAQs]
* [ Revising OSC web pages]
* [ Revising OSC web pages]
Line 144: Line 144:
  ** = people [ approved] but not [ already tagging]
  ** = people [ approved] but not [ already tagging]
  $$ = people with unfinished list of items for retroactive tagging
  $$ = people with unfinished list of items for retroactive tagging

=== Live and regular ===
=== Live and regular ===

# [ Kirstine McDermid (kirstine)]
# [ Marlene Delhaye (mdelhaye)] (approved August 2, 2018)
# [ Alessandro Pierno (alespierno)]
# [ Kirstine McDermid (kirstine)] (approved October 18, 2017)
# [ Gary Price (infodocketGARY)]
# [ Gary Price (infodocketGARY)] (approved c. February 2017)
# [ Graham Steel (tagteam101)]
# [ Milica Ševkušić (openacrs)] (approved September 23, 2019)
# [ Peter Suber (petersuber)]
# [ Peter Suber (petersuber)]

=== New and untested ===
=== New and untested ===

# [ Philip Cohen (philipncohen)] (approved September 3, 2018)  
# [ Andrew ??? (AndrewSte)] (approved October 31, 2020)
# Catherine Ahearn (cahearn) ** (approved March 25, 2019)
# Erin Annis (eaannis) ** (approved February 13, 2021)
# [ Lucy Barnes (lucy_barnes)] (approved September 18, 2020)
# [ Sandra Collier (SGCollier)] (approved December 7, 2018)
# [ Andre Dazy (dazy)] (approved September 17, 2018)
# [ Andre Dazy (dazy)] (approved September 17, 2018)
# [ Anthony De La Puente (Tonydlp)] (approved November 4, 2020)
# Simon Demosthene (___)
# [ Ashley Farley (farleyas)] $$ (approved August 10, 2018)
# [ Ashley Farley (farleyas)] $$ (approved August 10, 2018)
# [ Ally Farnhill (AllyFarnhill)]  
# [ Ally Farnhill (AllyFarnhill)] (approved c. June 2018)
# Gwen Franck (g_fra) ** (approved August 15, 2018)
# Lily Fitzgibbon (approved October 19, 2020)
# [ Gwen Franck (g_fra)] (approved August 15, 2018)
# [ Małgorzata Glinicka] (Malgorzata) $$
# [ Małgorzata Glinicka] (Malgorzata) $$
# [ Katy Go (katygo)] (approved November 30, 2018)
# [ Moumita Koley (Moumita)] (approved November 2, 2020)
# [ Federico Leva (fedlev)] (approved September 13, 2019)
# [ (LLIDS] (approved June 2021)
# [ Natalia Gruenpeter (nataliag)] $$
# [ Natalia Gruenpeter (nataliag)] $$
# [ Evelin Heidel (scann)] (approved August 10, 2018)
# [ John Hilton (johnhiltoneditor)] (approved November 14, 2018)
# Karen Jackson () (approved October 30, 2018)
# David Hopf (DHopf) (approved January 7, 2022)
# [ Karen Jackson (KarenJ)] (approved November 2, 2018)
# [ Scott Jacques (scotttjacques)] (approved September 22, 2021)
<!-- # Zaituni Kaijage, via Nancy Pontika -->
<!-- # Zaituni Kaijage, via Nancy Pontika -->
# [ Thomas Margoni (tmglaac)]
# [ Theresa Kelliher (theresa)] (approved October 8, 2020)
# David Lewis (dlewis) ** (approved April 6, 2022)
# [ Pablo Markin (pbmarkin)] (approved December 7, 2020)
# [ Joe McArthur (JoeMcArthur)] (approved November 18, 2019)
# [ Joshua Mejia (Joshmejia1)] $$ (approved August 15, 2018)
# [ Joshua Mejia (Joshmejia1)] $$ (approved August 15, 2018)
# [ Anna Newman (aanewman)] (approved August 6, 2018)
# Agata Morka ** (approved September 22, 2020)
# [ Tom Mosterd (TomMosterd)] (approved September 15, 2020)
# [ Ross Mounce (rmounce)] ** (approved January 10, 2020)
# Madhan Muthu (madhan) ** (approved May 24, 2020)
# [ Irena Njezic (Njezire22)] (approved June 1, 2021)
# [ Jessica Pellien (JessicaPellien)] (approved March 25, 2019)
# [ Ellen Phillips (EllenPhillips)]
# [ Ellen Phillips (EllenPhillips)]
# [ Jackie Proven (jackieproven)] $$ (approved August 7, 2018)
# [ Jackie Proven (jackieproven)] (approved August 7, 2018)
# [ Mike Roy] (MikeRoy) (approved October 9, 2018)
# [ Mike Roy] (MikeRoy) (approved October 9, 2018)
# [ Jeroen Sondervan (jsondervan)] (approved c. April 2018)
# [ Sothearath Seang (sothe)] (approved May 23, 2019)
# Daniel Spichtinger (dspichtinger) ** (approved September 12, 2018)
# [ Tereza Simandlová (tsimandlova)] (approved June 29, 2019)
# [ Tobias Steiner (flavoursofopenscience)] $$ (approved July 8, 2018)
# [ Susan Spilka (sspilka)] (approved March 9, 2020)
# [ Aaron Tay (aarontay)] $$
# Kaitlin Thaney (investinopen) ** (approved April 3, 2020)
# Tim Vollmer (tvol) ** (approved October 31, 2018)
# Marco Tullney (mtub) ** (approved March 9, 2021)
# [ Adam Wasążnik (wnik)] $$
# [ Tim Vollmer (tvol)] $$ (approved October 31, 2018)
# Obrad Vuckovac (obradvuckovac) ** (approved October 21, 2020)
# [ Leo Waaijers (leo_waaijers)] (approved December 13, 2019)
# [ Amy Warner May (AmyWarnerMay)] (approved February 13, 2020)
# [ Adam Wasążnik (wnik)] $$ (approved May 9, 2017)
# [ Jingzhu Wei (SelenaWEI)] (approved January 28, 2020)
# [ Egon Willighagen (egonw)] (approved September 6, 2018)
# [ Egon Willighagen (egonw)] (approved September 6, 2018)

Line 183: Line 212:
# [ Charles W. Bailey Jr. (cwbaileyjr)] $$
# [ Charles W. Bailey Jr. (cwbaileyjr)] $$
# [ Kyle Brady (kb59)] $$ (approved August 14, 2018)
# [ Kyle Brady (kb59)] $$ (approved August 14, 2018)
# [ Brigitte Clement (Clement)]
# Brad Eden (beden) ** (approved November 18, 2019)
# Natalie Flores-Rios (Natalie_Flores-Rios) ** ?? (approved December 7, 2018)
# Bonnie Gardner (gardneb) ** $$ (approved January 24, 2018)
# Bonnie Gardner (gardneb) ** $$ (approved January 24, 2018)
# Rupert Gatti (RupertGatti) ** (approved June 10, 2019)
# [ Evelin Heidel (scann)] (approved August 10, 2018)
# David Heilbrun (VioletCorpora) ** (approved February 11, 2018)
# David Heilbrun (VioletCorpora) ** (approved February 11, 2018)
# Manju Naika (manjunaika) ** (approved May 9, 2018)
# [ Manju Naika (manjunaika)] (approved May 9, 2018)
# [ Emily Packer (EmilyP)] ** (approved May 24, 2018)
# Karrie Peterson (Karrie) ** (approved November 20, 2018)
# Juan David Reina (Juanda) ** $$ (approved April 19, 2018)
# Juan David Reina (Juanda) ** $$ (approved April 19, 2018)
# Tess Satherley (tsatherley) ** (approved September 9, 2019)
# Alessandra Seiter (alseiter) ** (approved January 25, 2018)
# Alessandra Seiter (alseiter) ** (approved January 25, 2018)
# [ Jeroen Sondervan (jsondervan)] (approved c. April 2018)
# Daniel Spichtinger (dspichtinger) ** (approved September 12, 2018)
# Mandy Taha (mandy) ** $$ (approved May 3, 2018)
# Mandy Taha (mandy) ** $$ (approved May 3, 2018)
# Zeetarz Publishing (username?) (approved May 14, 2018)
# Zeetarz Publishing (username?) (approved May 14, 2018)
Line 197: Line 232:
# [ Sanghyun Baek (sanghyun)] $$
# [ Sanghyun Baek (sanghyun)] $$
# [ Anne Britton (ab1630)]
# [ Anne Britton (ab1630)]
# [ Brigitte Clement (Clement)] (approved August 1, 2018)
# [ Philip Cohen (philipncohen)] (approved September 3, 2018)
# [ Julien Colomb (juliencolomb)] (approved September 11, 2018)
# [ Julien Colomb (juliencolomb)] (approved September 11, 2018)
# [ Philipp Conzett (philipp)] (approved September 18, 2019)
# [ Philip Coombs (pcoombs)] $$
# [ Philip Coombs (pcoombs)] $$
# [ Vrushali Dandawate (vrushali)]  
# [ Vrushali Dandawate (vrushali)] (approved January 25, 2018)
# [ Marlene Delhaye (mdelhaye)]
# [ Kelly Fitzpatrick (lkfitz)]  
# [ Kelly Fitzpatrick (lkfitz)]  
# [ Sridhar Gutam (sgutam)] $$ (approved February 2, 2017)
# [ Sridhar Gutam (sgutam)] $$ (approved February 2, 2017)
# [ Frank Hellwig (frankhellwig)] (approved June 9, 2017)
# [ Frank Hellwig (frankhellwig)] (approved June 9, 2017)
# [ Daniel Huerlimann (dhuerlimann)]
# [ Daniel Huerlimann (dhuerlimann)] (approved March 12, 2018)
# [ Thomas Margoni (tmglaac)] (approved c. June 2018)
# [ Heather Morrison]
# [ Anna Newman (aanewman)] (approved August 6, 2018)
# [ Irena Njezic (Njezire22)] (approved June 1, 2021)
# [ Tom Olijhoek (Greboun)]
# [ Tom Olijhoek (Greboun)]
# [ Danielle Padula (djpadula5)] $$ (approved Nov 8, 2017)
# [ Emily Packer (EmilyP)] (approved May 24, 2018)
# [ Danielle Padula (djpadula5)] (approved Nov 8, 2017)
# [ Alessandro Pierno (alespierno)] (approved March 30, 2015)
# [ Nancy Pontika (nancypontika)]
# [ Nancy Pontika (nancypontika)]
# [ Jon Tennant (protohedgehog)]
# [ Graham Steel (tagteam101)]
# [ Tobias Steiner (flavoursofopenscience)] $$ (approved July 8, 2018)
# [ Amy Thomas (AThomas)] (started July 5, 2018)

=== Dormant ===
=== Dormant ===
Line 245: Line 290:
# [ Andrea Bernard]
# [ Andrea Bernard]
# [ Emily Kilcer]
# [ Emily Kilcer]
# [ Heather Morrison]
# [ Amanda Page (newer acct)]
# [ Amanda Page (newer acct)]
# [ Amanda Page (older acct)]
# [ Amanda Page (older acct)]
# [ Aaron Tay (aarontay)] (approved July 4, 2018) $$ [still must recycle]
# [ Jon Tennant (protohedgehog)]

Also see the [ gdoc version] of this page, not necessarily in sync.
Also see the [ gdoc version] of this page, not necessarily in sync.

Latest revision as of 08:03, 6 April 2022








Talks & slides




OATP taggers

** = people approved but not already tagging
$$ = people with unfinished list of items for retroactive tagging


Live and regular

  1. Marlene Delhaye (mdelhaye) (approved August 2, 2018)
  2. Kirstine McDermid (kirstine) (approved October 18, 2017)
  3. Gary Price (infodocketGARY) (approved c. February 2017)
  4. Milica Ševkušić (openacrs) (approved September 23, 2019)
  5. Peter Suber (petersuber)

New and untested

  1. Andrew ??? (AndrewSte) (approved October 31, 2020)
  2. Catherine Ahearn (cahearn) ** (approved March 25, 2019)
  3. Erin Annis (eaannis) ** (approved February 13, 2021)
  4. Lucy Barnes (lucy_barnes) (approved September 18, 2020)
  5. Sandra Collier (SGCollier) (approved December 7, 2018)
  6. Andre Dazy (dazy) (approved September 17, 2018)
  7. Anthony De La Puente (Tonydlp) (approved November 4, 2020)
  8. Simon Demosthene (___)
  9. Ashley Farley (farleyas) $$ (approved August 10, 2018)
  10. Ally Farnhill (AllyFarnhill) (approved c. June 2018)
  11. Lily Fitzgibbon (approved October 19, 2020)
  12. Gwen Franck (g_fra) (approved August 15, 2018)
  13. Małgorzata Glinicka (Malgorzata) $$
  14. Katy Go (katygo) (approved November 30, 2018)
  15. Moumita Koley (Moumita) (approved November 2, 2020)
  16. Federico Leva (fedlev) (approved September 13, 2019)
  17. (LLIDS (approved June 2021)
  18. Natalia Gruenpeter (nataliag) $$
  19. John Hilton (johnhiltoneditor) (approved November 14, 2018)
  20. David Hopf (DHopf) (approved January 7, 2022)
  21. Karen Jackson (KarenJ) (approved November 2, 2018)
  22. Scott Jacques (scotttjacques) (approved September 22, 2021)
  23. Theresa Kelliher (theresa) (approved October 8, 2020)
  24. David Lewis (dlewis) ** (approved April 6, 2022)
  25. Pablo Markin (pbmarkin) (approved December 7, 2020)
  26. Joe McArthur (JoeMcArthur) (approved November 18, 2019)
  27. Joshua Mejia (Joshmejia1) $$ (approved August 15, 2018)
  28. Agata Morka ** (approved September 22, 2020)
  29. Tom Mosterd (TomMosterd) (approved September 15, 2020)
  30. Ross Mounce (rmounce) ** (approved January 10, 2020)
  31. Madhan Muthu (madhan) ** (approved May 24, 2020)
  32. Irena Njezic (Njezire22) (approved June 1, 2021)
  33. Jessica Pellien (JessicaPellien) (approved March 25, 2019)
  34. Ellen Phillips (EllenPhillips)
  35. Jackie Proven (jackieproven) (approved August 7, 2018)
  36. Mike Roy (MikeRoy) (approved October 9, 2018)
  37. Sothearath Seang (sothe) (approved May 23, 2019)
  38. Tereza Simandlová (tsimandlova) (approved June 29, 2019)
  39. Susan Spilka (sspilka) (approved March 9, 2020)
  40. Kaitlin Thaney (investinopen) ** (approved April 3, 2020)
  41. Marco Tullney (mtub) ** (approved March 9, 2021)
  42. Tim Vollmer (tvol) $$ (approved October 31, 2018)
  43. Obrad Vuckovac (obradvuckovac) ** (approved October 21, 2020)
  44. Leo Waaijers (leo_waaijers) (approved December 13, 2019)
  45. Amy Warner May (AmyWarnerMay) (approved February 13, 2020)
  46. Adam Wasążnik (wnik) $$ (approved May 9, 2017)
  47. Jingzhu Wei (SelenaWEI) (approved January 28, 2020)
  48. Egon Willighagen (egonw) (approved September 6, 2018)

Approved but dithering

  1. Charles W. Bailey Jr. (cwbaileyjr) $$
  2. Kyle Brady (kb59) $$ (approved August 14, 2018)
  3. Brad Eden (beden) ** (approved November 18, 2019)
  4. Natalie Flores-Rios (Natalie_Flores-Rios) ** ?? (approved December 7, 2018)
  5. Bonnie Gardner (gardneb) ** $$ (approved January 24, 2018)
  6. Rupert Gatti (RupertGatti) ** (approved June 10, 2019)
  7. Evelin Heidel (scann) (approved August 10, 2018)
  8. David Heilbrun (VioletCorpora) ** (approved February 11, 2018)
  9. Manju Naika (manjunaika) (approved May 9, 2018)
  10. Karrie Peterson (Karrie) ** (approved November 20, 2018)
  11. Juan David Reina (Juanda) ** $$ (approved April 19, 2018)
  12. Tess Satherley (tsatherley) ** (approved September 9, 2019)
  13. Alessandra Seiter (alseiter) ** (approved January 25, 2018)
  14. Jeroen Sondervan (jsondervan) (approved c. April 2018)
  15. Daniel Spichtinger (dspichtinger) ** (approved September 12, 2018)
  16. Mandy Taha (mandy) ** $$ (approved May 3, 2018)
  17. Zeetarz Publishing (username?) (approved May 14, 2018)


  1. Sanghyun Baek (sanghyun) $$
  2. Anne Britton (ab1630)
  3. Brigitte Clement (Clement) (approved August 1, 2018)
  4. Philip Cohen (philipncohen) (approved September 3, 2018)
  5. Julien Colomb (juliencolomb) (approved September 11, 2018)
  6. Philipp Conzett (philipp) (approved September 18, 2019)
  7. Philip Coombs (pcoombs) $$
  8. Vrushali Dandawate (vrushali) (approved January 25, 2018)
  9. Kelly Fitzpatrick (lkfitz)
  10. Sridhar Gutam (sgutam) $$ (approved February 2, 2017)
  11. Frank Hellwig (frankhellwig) (approved June 9, 2017)
  12. Daniel Huerlimann (dhuerlimann) (approved March 12, 2018)
  13. Thomas Margoni (tmglaac) (approved c. June 2018)
  14. Heather Morrison
  15. Anna Newman (aanewman) (approved August 6, 2018)
  16. Irena Njezic (Njezire22) (approved June 1, 2021)
  17. Tom Olijhoek (Greboun)
  18. Emily Packer (EmilyP) (approved May 24, 2018)
  19. Danielle Padula (djpadula5) (approved Nov 8, 2017)
  20. Alessandro Pierno (alespierno) (approved March 30, 2015)
  21. Nancy Pontika (nancypontika)
  22. Graham Steel (tagteam101)
  23. Tobias Steiner (flavoursofopenscience) $$ (approved July 8, 2018)
  24. Amy Thomas (AThomas) (started July 5, 2018)


  1. Janneke Adema (Janneke_Adema) **
  2. Olga Arias
  3. Katie Baker
  4. David Ball
  5. Jeffrey Beale
  6. José Carvalho (jcarvalho)
  7. Juliana Castro (acavaminombre)
  8. Colleen Cressman (cressman)
  9. Gary Daught (Omega Alpha)
  10. Stephanie Dawson
  11. Marta Długokęcka and Marcin Wojnarski (Paperity)
  12. ElHassan ElSabry (elhassan)
  13. Jan Erik Frantsvåg (janeriks)
  14. Klaus Graf
  15. Stian Haklev (houshuang)
  16. Stevan Harnad (Amsci)
  17. Will Hires (whires)
  18. Catherine Hodgkinson
  19. Amy Lovell (Amyluv)
  20. John O'Connor
  21. Heinz Pampel
  22. Shauna Peterson (shauna.peterson)
  23. Kathryn Pope (ColumbiaSCP)
  24. Julia Schuetze
  25. Lisa Terrat
  26. Who?? (What are the advantages of OA publishing?)
  27. Helen Wong (hwong)
  28. Philip Young (pyoung)


  1. Gavin Baker (minor)
  2. Gavin Baker (major)
  3. Andrea Bernard
  4. Emily Kilcer
  5. Amanda Page (newer acct)
  6. Amanda Page (older acct)
  7. Aaron Tay (aarontay) (approved July 4, 2018) $$ [still must recycle]
  8. Jon Tennant (protohedgehog)

Also see the gdoc version of this page, not necessarily in sync.