Chilling Effects

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Revision as of 14:49, 25 November 2009 by (talk) (Copied from cyber/team)
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Chilling Effects Teamspace

We have some resources for Chilling Effects development. What should we do and how should we prioritize? Please add your ideas to the mix.

  • Nov. 13 -- add ideas over next few weeks. Next steps, circulate among other Chill participants, prioritize, and turn into an RFP/Statement of Work.

Major categories

  • Design
  • Functionality (for public viewers, for admins)
  • Data manipulation

Data dump

Ideas from WS Nov. 12 email:

  1. . current workflow automation -- can we make data entry more efficient and standardize entries better for data analysis?
  2. . interactivity -- where might we make the site more dynamic for users?
  3. . aggregation -- perhaps incorporate news feeds from related sites, including CMLP.
  4. . security -- let's get the admin interface into SSL; make sure entries are being properly sanitized.
  5. . despam -- lots of spam notices lately. can we set up more effective filters without driving away real contributors?

Ideas from Nov. 13 telephone call:

  1. - update the look and feel, give the site a consistent branding
  2. - make the site more responsive from the admin side, speed repetitive entry
  3. - fix the ordering of questions in drop-downs (WS will change default ordering to by-category)
  4. - create more group FAQs (like 745, 746) to make rapid annotation easier
  5. - add a (re)captcha to the notice-entry form
  6. - possible bulk-update feature
  7. - user testing
  8. - make search-by-field more prominent
  9. - add aggregated real-time news, perhaps in place of "related" boxes
  10. - interactive or real-time data-visualizations (think about what type of data might be interesting to watch) ticker, graphs, changing display, Google mapping
  11. - data manipulation tools, e.g. to standardize "sender" fields


Our past design choices:

as well as developer resources:

Sites whose design we like

  • Ars Technica