Chill Participants
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Chilling Effects partners and participants -- who's doing what, who should join us?
- Harvard Berkman (Wendy Seltzer, Phil Malone, David Abrams, David Ardia (CMLP))
- EFF (Cindy Cohn, help on the international connections from Gwen Hinze)
- USF IP Justice (Bob Talbot)
- Berkeley (in some way! Jason Schultz, Jen Urban); iSchool?
- U Maine (Rita Heimes)
- GW ?Dawn Nunziato
- Santa Clara ?Eric Goldman
- Stanford ?
- Colorado ?
- American ?
- Fordham ?
- Delete/deemphasize the SF Foundation link from "about" page.
Allied or related projects: stopcopyrightcops (analysis of 3 strikes and similar law), Herdict, EFF's Takedown Hall of Shame, Citizen Media Law Project, Organization for Transformative Works, Google's map of takedown demands.