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From Fri Mar 19 17:04:36 2004
From: <>
Subject: [email] 2004 Top redacted@rke+t M_ov3rs
Organization: VeriMod ()
Message-ID: <>
Lines: 345
Processed-By: Bob the NANAS ModBot <>
Verimod-Status: Fri Mar 19 17:04:36 2004 - posted
X-Auth: PGPMoose V1.1 PGP
X-Modbot: Bob the NANAS ModBot <>
X-No-Confirm: yes
X-Organization: Posted via Supernews,
X-Original-Date: Fri, 19 Mar 2004 23:04:33 -0000

This spam was sent to an address that has never belonged
to any person. It was created by a typo when it was
entered into the Internic database years ago during a
domain registration. Thus, everything sent to it is 100%
guaranteed spam.

Received: from ljvmvsm ( [])
by (8.12.11/8.12.11) with SMTP id i2JN19PV004126
for <>; Fri, 19 Mar 2004 18:01:31 -0500
To: "Yolando Beeby" <>
From: Rory <>
Reply-To: <>
Subject: 2004 Top redacted@rke+t M_ov3rs
Date: Fri, 19 Mar 2004 18:05:50 -0500
Message-Id: <>
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="cprwtdmnlxklmj_1079737604"

Content-Type: text/plain

##randomword## ##randomword## ##randomword## ##randomword## ##randomword## ##randomword## ##randomword## ##randomword## ##randomword## ##randomword## ##randomword## ##randomword## ##randomword## ##randomword## ##randomword## ##randomword## ##randomword## ##randomword## ##randomword## ##randomword## ##randomword## ##randomword##

Content-Type: text/html
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Y=3D"SANSSERIF" FACE=3D"Arial" LANG=3D"0">RED HEARING ALERT NT COLOR=3D"#000000" BACK=3D"#ffffff" style=3D"BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff" =

0">Strong Buy
ial" LANG=3D"0"> Issued on
IF" FACE=3D"Arial" LANG=3D"0">DMTY
ffffff" style=3D"BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff" SIZE=3D3 PTSIZE=3D12 FAMILY=3D"=

mes New Roman" LANG=3D"0">

Check out the gains from out recent
"#ffffff" style=3D"BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff" SIZE=3D3 PTSIZE=3D12 FAMILY=
=3D"SERIF" FACE=3D"Times New Roman" LANG=3D"0">strong buy
OLOR=3D"#000000" BACK=3D"#ffffff" style=3D"BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff" SIZE=
=3D3 PTSIZE=3D12 FAMILY=3D"SERIF" FACE=3D"Times New Roman" LANG=3D"0">

0">November CFTN at .40 High 2.62....
040" BACK=3D"#ffffff" style=3D"BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff" SIZE=3D2 PTSIZE=
=3D10 FAMILY=3D"SANSSERIF" FACE=3D"Arial" LANG=3D"0">655% Gain!!!
NT COLOR=3D"#000000" BACK=3D"#ffffff" style=3D"BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff" =

December HTSC at .70 High 3.25.... ACK=3D"#ffffff" style=3D"BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff" SIZE=3D2 PTSIZE=3D10 FA=
MILY=3D"SANSSERIF" FACE=3D"Arial" LANG=3D"0">410% Gain!!!
R=3D"#000000" BACK=3D"#ffffff" style=3D"BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff" SIZE=3D2=

January QLHC at .90 High 3.50....
BACK=3D"#ffffff" style=3D"BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff" SIZE=3D2 PTSIZE=3D10 =
FAMILY=3D"SANSSERIF" FACE=3D"Arial" LANG=3D"0">389% Gain!!!
LOR=3D"#000000" BACK=3D"#ffffff" style=3D"BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff" SIZE=

February CWTD at .90 High 8.50=85.
BACK=3D"#ffffff" style=3D"BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff" SIZE=3D2 PTSIZE=3D10 F=
AMILY=3D"SANSSERIF" FACE=3D"Arial" LANG=3D"0">800% Gain!!!
OR=3D"#000000" BACK=3D"#ffffff" style=3D"BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff" SIZE=3D=

February CNLG at .84 High 6.55.....
" BACK=3D"#ffffff" style=3D"BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff" SIZE=3D2 PTSIZE=3D10=
FAMILY=3D"SANSSERIF" FACE=3D"Arial" LANG=3D"0">289% Gain!!!
OLOR=3D"#000000" BACK=3D"#ffffff" style=3D"BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff" SIZE=

March MAMA 3.95 High 13.30...
" BACK=3D"#ffffff" style=3D"BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff" SIZE=3D2 PTSIZE=3D10=
FAMILY=3D"SANSSERIF" FACE=3D"Arial" LANG=3D"0">400% Gain!!!
OLOR=3D"#000000" BACK=3D"#ffffff" style=3D"BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff" SIZE=


#ffffff" SIZE=3D3 PTSIZE=3D12 FAMILY=3D"SERIF" FACE=3D"Palatino Linotype" =
LANG=3D"0">DMT Energy, Inc. ( DMTY)
=3D"#ffffff" style=3D"BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff" SIZE=3D3 PTSIZE=3D12 FAMIL=
Y=3D"SERIF" FACE=3D"Palatino Linotype" LANG=3D"0">
000000" BACK=3D"#ffffff" style=3D"BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff" SIZE=3D6 PTSIZ=

#ffffff" SIZE=3D3 PTSIZE=3D12 FAMILY=3D"SERIF" FACE=3D"Palatino Linotype" =

0">7-Day Price Target: $0.70
RIF" FACE=3D"Arial" LANG=3D"0">

0">12 month target 1.75
FACE=3D"Arial" LANG=3D"0">
BACK=3D"#ffffff" style=3D"BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff" SIZE=3D2 PTSIZE=3D10 F=

30-Day Price Target: $1.00
F" FACE=3D"Arial" LANG=3D"0">

CE=3D"Arial" LANG=3D"0">

Recent Price: $0.45

Shares Outstanding: 5.0 Million

Market Capitalization: $2.25 Million

52 Week Range: $0.005 - $0.919

Avg. Volume (3 month): 45,800
ffff" style=3D"BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff" SIZE=3D3 PTSIZE=3D12 FAMILY=3D"SA=

CK=3D"#ffffff" style=3D"BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff" SIZE=3D3 PTSIZE=3D12 FAM=

0">=93Oil is seldom found where it is most needed, and seldom most needed w=
here it is found.=94
(L.E.J. Brouwer, Sr. Managing Director, Roy=
al Dutch/Shell)

The outlook for North American oil and gas exploration is extremely positiv=
e from an investment perspective, with increasing US energy demands project=
ed over the near and long term sustaining major gains for oil and gas produ=
cers. The recent California energy crisis, the looming United States energ=
y crunch (the most serious domestic energy situation since the 1970=92s), a=
nd the increasingly unstable international environment for oil and natural =
gas exploration and production, have placed a renewed emphasis on domestic =
energy exploration. While crude oil and natural gas prices on the spot mar=
ket are likely to come off of their current highs, the immediate term price=
outlook remains favorable, and long term price projections forecast signif=
icant increases. Even as government and academia invest billions in the se=
arch for alternative sources of energy, the demand for natural gas and oil =
continues to grow and is expected to expand exponentially over the next twe=
nty years. According to the US Energy Information Administration (EIA) the=
US demand for refined petroleum products will grow by over 35 percent in t=
he next two decades, increasing from 18.0 million barrels per day in 1996 t=
o over 24.6 million barrels per day by 2020, a 35% increase. The growth of=
domestic demand for natural gas, driven by expanding natural gas-fired ele=
ctric generation plants, will be even more pronounced skyrocketing from cur=
rent levels of roughly 23 trillion cubic feet (Tcf) to 32-37 Tcf by 2020. =
As the recent energy crisis in California has demonstrated, the US natural =
gas and energy supply will prove increasingly tenuous without additional an=
d vigorous exploration and production efforts are undertaken. At the same =
time, the international situations in Iraq and Venezuela have show the vuln=
erability of US petroleum stocks and highlighted the urgent need for increa=
sed domestic production. The recent National Energy Policy of President Bu=
sh and Vice President Cheney has called for dramatically increased producti=
on of domestic oil and natural gas resources to meet this expanding domesti=
c energy demand.

For the petroleum industry, this renewed impetus on domestic exploration an=
d production has led to several new developments that improve the likelihoo=
d of exploration success and the location of new reserves. Many of the tec=
hnologies associated with oil and gas exploration have been significantly e=
nhanced over the last several years, and the refinement of techniques such =
as three dimensional seismic imaging have made oil exploration far more eff=
icient, increasing the accuracy of modeling and decreasing the chances of m=
issing oil. The second way that oil exploration is becoming more efficient=
is the increased practice of reexamining properties that were no longer th=
ought to be profitable. Many properties through the 1970=92s were extracte=
d only using primary production techniques and then prematurely abandoned w=
hen production became more expensive and problematic, leaving significant q=
uantities of oil and natural gas. It has been estimated that many of these=
early producing fields can contain as much as 50-60% of recoverable produc=
tion. Smaller oil exploration and production companies, such as Newfield E=
xploration Oil (NYSE: NFX) and Houston Exploration Company (NYSE: THX) have=
enjoyed huge successes through employing strategies that focus on reworkin=
g overlooked and bypassed production properties.

With a diversified portfolio of balanced oil & gas properties, an explorati=
on and production strategy that emphasized the importance of developing and=
exploiting overlooked and bypassed reserves with new technologies and inno=
vative approaches, and a seasoned management team and advisory board with o=
ver 150 years of collective petroleum industry experience, DMT Energy, Inc.= is well positioned to benefit from new oil and ga=
s production initiatives. DMT Energy has developed an impressive portfolio=
of oil and gas properties in Alberta and British Columbia, and Northern Ca=
nada that have strong potential for successful production over the near-to-=
intermediate term period with limited capital investment.

The Company is capitalizing on both of the major trends in domestic oil and=
gas E&P efforts, carefully selecting and screening properties for maximum =
potential of overlooked and bypassed production opportunities in oil produc=
ing area, and utilizing 3-D seismic and other advanced exploration techniqu=
es, including proprietary reservoir modeling techniques developed by EVP Do=
n Hryhor, to mitigate risks. The Company is within months of beginning pro=
duction efforts on its Acadia and Wainwright properties, where strong oil &=
gas indicators have been confirmed by independent geologists and petroleum=
engineers. These projects have been carefully selected and screened, and =
DMT Energy has developed a conservative operational plan to begin productio=
n of oil and gas reserves over the next 6-12 months. The Company additiona=
lly intends to pursue development and production efforts on its additional =
Alberta and British Columbia properties and to acquire additional leasehold=
prospects. DMT Energy is further pursuing major new exploration opportuni=
ties throughout Canada and the United States, which promise significant and=
unexplored production prospects.

DMT Energy=92s position as an innovative, technology oriented oil and gas e=
xploration and production company with a balanced portfolio of properties t=
hat have near term production potential presents an attractive opportunity =
to invest in the forthcoming domestic petroleum E&P explosion. The Company=
=92s innovative strategy of minimizing risk and capital outlay through conc=
entration on development of overlooked or bypassed oil and natural gas rese=
rves and use of advanced exploration technologies is at the forefront of pe=
troleum E&P efforts. This strategy has already been demonstrated successfu=
lly in the case of smaller start-up players Newfield Oil and Houston Explor=
ation who have experienced consistent gains in their stock price despite th=
e overall difficulties that oil industry investment have experienced over t=
he last several years. By maximizing capital investment in property develo=
pment, mitigating exploration risks, and maintaining tight control over cos=
ts, DMT Energy is exceptionally well situated to experience substantial gro=
wth over the immediate term period and return value to investors.

0" BACK=3D"#ffffff" style=3D"BACKGROUND-COLOR: #ffffff" SIZE=3D2 PTSIZE=3D1=

DMT Energy is well positioned within tremendous oil and gas industry strugg=
ling to meet increased US energy demands projected over the near and long t=
erm- producing major gains for oil and gas producers.
The specter =
of the California energy crisis, the looming US energy crunch (the most ser=
ious domestic energy situation since the late 1970=92s with oil prices at t=
he pump reaching new highs almost daily), and the tenuous international pro=
duction climate (with OPEC production caps, uncertainty over Venezuelan pro=
duction, and continued questions over development of Iraqi production capac=
ity), all bode well for North American E&P companies operating in this envi=
ronment. While crude oil prices on the spot market are likely to move off =
their current levels of $34-35 per barrel, the intermediate term pric=
e outlook remains highly favorable
with the US Energy Information A=
dministration predicting that crude oil prices will stabilize over th=
e next several years to the $30 price range
with price spikes likel=
y until inventory stocks are rebuilt.

The Company benefits from its strong and experienced management team and se=
nior advisors, with over 150 years of collective petroleum industry experie=
President Fred Da Silva has provided consulting, business dev=
elopment, and financing expertise to a number of private and public natural=
resource companies over the last decade, while CFO Giuliano Tamburrino pre=
viously served as founder and senior executive for a junior EPC (engineerin=
g, procurement, and construction) provider of oil & gas facilities. VP of =
Exploration Don Hryhor is a successful geophysicist and wildcatter, having =
worked closely under the tutelage of industry pioneers William Hryhor and D=
rs. John Lichtenbelt over the past 30 years. Mr. Hryhor has been involved =
in several major discoveries in the Arctic Islands, Western Canada, and Tex=
as, and has develop a proprietary hydrocarbon production and reservoir mode=
ling technique which has been used to evaluate over 450,000 wells in Wester=
n Canada, and which is employed by the Company.

DMT Energy is poised to begin significant production efforts on its oil and=
gas properties and is exploring additional leasehold prospects as well as =
major exploration efforts throughout North America.
The Company=92s Ac=
adia prospect is slated to begin production in March of 2004, and DMT Energ=
y anticipates bringing its Wainwright field on line over the next several m=
onths. Complimenting these production efforts, DMT Energy is also undertak=
ing major exploration efforts throughout North America, which should provid=
e a considerable growth catalyst over the intermediate term period.



The writers, PR firm, mailers involved in the creation, and distribution of=
the information above are not a registered broker/dealer and may not sell,=
offer to sell or offer to buy any security. This profile is not a solicit=
ation or recommendation to buy, sell securities. An offer to buy or sell ca=
n be made only with accompanying disclosure documents from the company offe=
ring or selling securities and only in the states and provinces for which t=
hey are approved. The material in this release is intended to be strictly i=
nformational and based on assumptions rather than fact. The companies that =
are discussed in this release have not approved the statements made in this=
release nor approved the timing of this release. All statements and expre=
ssions are the sole opinion of the creators and are subject to change witho=
ut notice. Information in this release is derived from a variety of sources=
including that company=92s publicly disseminated information, third partie=
s and the writers research and optimistic speculation. The accuracy or comp=
leteness of the information is not warranted and is only as reliable as the=
sources from which it was obtained. All involved in the creation and distr=
ibution of this profile/release disclaims any and all liability as to the c=
ompleteness or accuracy of the information contained and any omissions of m=
aterial fact in this release. The release may contain technical and factual=
inaccuracies or typographical errors. It is strongly recommended that any =
purchase or sale decision be discussed with a financial adviser, or a broke=
r-dealer, or a member of any financial regulatory bodies. Investment in the=
securities of the companies=92 discussed in this release is highly specula=
tive and carries a high degree of risk. All persons involved in the creatio=
n and distribution of the information in this letter is not liable for any =
investment decisions by its readers or subscribers. Investors are cautioned=
that they may lose all or a portion of their investment if they make a pur=
chase in this security mentioned. Any mention of past profiles and returns =
are only advertising ploys.

This profile is not without bias, and is a paid release. Writers and mailer=
s have been compensated for the dissemination of company information on beh=
alf of one or more of the companies mentioned in this release. Parties invo=
lved in the creation and distribution of this profile have been compensate=
d 80,000 dollars by a third party (third party), who is non-affiliated, fo=
r services provided including dissemination of company information in this =
release. PR and other individuals and other creators and mailers of this le=
tter will sell all of its original shares during the distribution of this p=
rofile. Parties involved may immediately sell some or any shares in a profi=
led company held by profile creators and may have previously sold shares in=
a profiled company held by PR Individuals involved. Our Optin mailing serv=
ices for a company may cause the company=92s stock price to increase, in wh=
ich event involved parties would make a profit when it sells its stock in t=
he company. In addition, our selling of a company=92s stock may have a nega=
tive effect on the market price of the stock.



All postings to are unconfirmed and
unverified unless stated otherwise by the moderators. All opinions
expressed above are considered the opinions of the original poster,
not the moderators or their respective employers.

For a copy of the guidelines to this group, see:

-+-+-+- NEXT SEGMENT -+-+-+-
Segment of length 16676
From Fri Mar 19 17:04:36 2004
From: <>
Subject: [email] 2004 Top redacted@rke+t M_ov3rs
Organization: VeriMod ()
Message-ID: <>
Lines: 345
Processed-By: Bob the NANAS ModBot <>
Verimod-Status: Fri Mar 19 17:04:36 2004 - posted
X-Auth: PGPMoose V1.1 PGP
X-Modbot: Bob the NANAS ModBot <>
X-No-Confirm: yes
X-Organization: Posted via Supernews,
X-Original-Date: Fri, 19 Mar 2004 23:04:33 -0000

This spam was sent to an address that has never belonged
to any person. It was created by a typo when it was
entered into the Internic database years ago during a
domain registration. Thus, everything sent to it is 100%
guaranteed spam.

Received: from ljvmvsm ( [])
by (8.12.11/8.12.11) with SMTP id i2JN19PV004126
for <>; Fri, 19 Mar 2004 18:01:31 -0500
To: "Yolando Beeby" <>
From: Rory <>
Reply-To: <>
Subject: 2004 Top redacted@rke+t M_ov3rs
Date: Fri, 19 Mar 2004 18:05:50 -0500
Message-Id: <>
Mime-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary="cprwtdmnlxklmj_1079737604"

Content-Type: text/plain

##randomword## ##randomword## ##randomword## ##randomword## ##randomword## ##randomword## ##randomword## ##randomword## ##randomword## ##randomword## ##randomword## ##randomword## ##randomword## ##randomword## ##randomword## ##randomword## ##randomword## ##randomword## ##randomword## ##randomword## ##randomword## ##randomword##

Content-Type: text/html
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable


Strong Buy Issued on DMTY

Check out the gains from out recent strong buy recommendations...

November CFTN at .40 High 2.62....655% Gain!!!

December HTSC at .70 High 3.25....410% Gain!!!

January QLHC at .90 High 3.50....389% Gain!!!

February CWTD at .90 High 8.50=85.800% Gain!!!

February CNLG at .84 High 6.55.....289% Gain!!!

March MAMA 3.95 High 13.30...400% Gain!!!

DMT Energy, Inc. ( DMTY)

7-Day Price Target: $0.70

12 month target 1.75

30-Day Price Target: $1.00

Symbol DMTY.PK

Recent Price: $0.45

Shares Outstanding: 5.0 Million

Market Capitalization: $2.25 Million

52 Week Range: $0.005 - $0.919

Avg. Volume (3 month): 45,800


=93Oil is seldom found where it is most needed, and seldom most needed where it is found.=94 - (L.E.J. Brouwer, Sr. Managing Director, Royal Dutch/Shell)

The outlook for North American oil and gas exploration is extremely positive from an investment perspective, with increasing US energy demands projected over the near and long term sustaining major gains for oil and gas producers. The recent California energy crisis, the looming United States energy crunch (the most serious domestic energy situation since the 1970=92s), and the increasingly unstable international environment for oil and natural gas exploration and production, have placed a renewed emphasis on domestic energy exploration. While crude oil and natural gas prices on the spot market are likely to come off of their current highs, the immediate term priceoutlook remains favorable, and long term price projections forecast significant increases. Even as government and academia invest billions in the search for alternative sources of energy, the demand for natural gas and oil continues to grow and is expected to expand exponentially over the next twenty years. According to the US Energy Information Administration (EIA) theUS demand for refined petroleum products will grow by over 35 percent in the next two decades, increasing from 18.0 million barrels per day in 1996 to over 24.6 million barrels per day by 2020, a 35% increase. The growth ofdomestic demand for natural gas, driven by expanding natural gas-fired electric generation plants, will be even more pronounced skyrocketing from current levels of roughly 23 trillion cubic feet (Tcf) to 32-37 Tcf by 2020. As the recent energy crisis in California has demonstrated, the US natural gas and energy supply will prove increasingly tenuous without additional and vigorous exploration and production efforts are undertaken. At the same time, the international situations in Iraq and Venezuela have show the vulnerability of US petroleum stocks and highlighted the urgent need for increased domestic production. The recent National Energy Policy of President Bush and Vice President Cheney has called for dramatically increased production of domestic oil and natural gas resources to meet this expanding domestic energy demand.

For the petroleum industry, this renewed impetus on domestic exploration and production has led to several new developments that improve the likelihood of exploration success and the location of new reserves. Many of the technologies associated with oil and gas exploration have been significantly enhanced over the last several years, and the refinement of techniques such as three dimensional seismic imaging have made oil exploration far more efficient, increasing the accuracy of modeling and decreasing the chances of missing oil. The second way that oil exploration is becoming more efficientis the increased practice of reexamining properties that were no longer thought to be profitable. Many properties through the 1970=92s were extracted only using primary production techniques and then prematurely abandoned when production became more expensive and problematic, leaving significant quantities of oil and natural gas. It has been estimated that many of theseearly producing fields can contain as much as 50-60% of recoverable production. Smaller oil exploration and production companies, such as Newfield Exploration Oil (NYSE: NFX) and Houston Exploration Company (NYSE: THX) haveenjoyed huge successes through employing strategies that focus on reworking overlooked and bypassed production properties.

With a diversified portfolio of balanced oil & gas properties, an exploration and production strategy that emphasized the importance of developing andexploiting overlooked and bypassed reserves with new technologies and innovative approaches, and a seasoned management team and advisory board with over 150 years of collective petroleum industry experience, DMT Energy, is well positioned to benefit from new oil and gas production initiatives. DMT Energy has developed an impressive portfolioof oil and gas properties in Alberta and British Columbia, and Northern Canada that have strong potential for successful production over the near-to-intermediate term period with limited capital investment.

The Company is capitalizing on both of the major trends in domestic oil andgas E&P efforts, carefully selecting and screening properties for maximum potential of overlooked and bypassed production opportunities in oil producing area, and utilizing 3-D seismic and other advanced exploration techniques, including proprietary reservoir modeling techniques developed by EVP Don Hryhor, to mitigate risks. The Company is within months of beginning production efforts on its Acadia and Wainwright properties, where strong oil &gas indicators have been confirmed by independent geologists and petroleumengineers. These projects have been carefully selected and screened, and DMT Energy has developed a conservative operational plan to begin production of oil and gas reserves over the next 6-12 months. The Company additionally intends to pursue development and production efforts on its additional Alberta and British Columbia properties and to acquire additional leaseholdprospects. DMT Energy is further pursuing major new exploration opportunities throughout Canada and the United States, which promise significant andunexplored production prospects.

DMT Energy=92s position as an innovative, technology oriented oil and gas exploration and production company with a balanced portfolio of properties that have near term production potential presents an attractive opportunity to invest in the forthcoming domestic petroleum E&P explosion. The Company=92s innovative strategy of minimizing risk and capital outlay through concentration on development of overlooked or bypassed oil and natural gas reserves and use of advanced exploration technologies is at the forefront of petroleum E&P efforts. This strategy has already been demonstrated successfully in the case of smaller start-up players Newfield Oil and Houston Exploration who have experienced consistent gains in their stock price despite the overall difficulties that oil industry investment have experienced over the last several years. By maximizing capital investment in property development, mitigating exploration risks, and maintaining tight control over costs, DMT Energy is exceptionally well situated to experience substantial growth over the immediate term period and return value to investors.


DMT Energy is well positioned within tremendous oil and gas industry struggling to meet increased US energy demands projected over the near and long term- producing major gains for oil and gas producers. The specter of the California energy crisis, the looming US energy crunch (the most serious domestic energy situation since the late 1970=92s with oil prices at the pump reaching new highs almost daily), and the tenuous international production climate (with OPEC production caps, uncertainty over Venezuelan production, and continued questions over development of Iraqi production capacity), all bode well for North American E&P companies operating in this environment. While crude oil prices on the spot market are likely to move off their current levels of $34-35 per barrel, the intermediate term price outlook remains highly favorable with the US Energy Information Administration predicting that crude oil prices will stabilize over the next several years to the $30 price range with price spikes likely until inventory stocks are rebuilt.

The Company benefits from its strong and experienced management team and senior advisors, with over 150 years of collective petroleum industry experience. President Fred Da Silva has provided consulting, business development, and financing expertise to a number of private and public naturalresource companies over the last decade, while CFO Giuliano Tamburrino previously served as founder and senior executive for a junior EPC (engineering, procurement, and construction) provider of oil & gas facilities. VP of Exploration Don Hryhor is a successful geophysicist and wildcatter, having worked closely under the tutelage of industry pioneers William Hryhor and Drs. John Lichtenbelt over the past 30 years. Mr. Hryhor has been involved in several major discoveries in the Arctic Islands, Western Canada, and Texas, and has develop a proprietary hydrocarbon production and reservoir modeling technique which has been used to evaluate over 450,000 wells in Western Canada, and which is employed by the Company.

DMT Energy is poised to begin significant production efforts on its oil andgas properties and is exploring additional leasehold prospects as well as major exploration efforts throughout North America. The Company=92s Acadia prospect is slated to begin production in March of 2004, and DMT Energy anticipates bringing its Wainwright field on line over the next several months. Complimenting these production efforts, DMT Energy is also undertaking major exploration efforts throughout North America, which should provide a considerable growth catalyst over the intermediate term period.

The writers, PR firm, mailers involved in the creation, and distribution ofthe information above are not a registered broker/dealer and may not sell,offer to sell or offer to buy any security. This profile is not a solicitation or recommendation to buy, sell securities. An offer to buy or sell can be made only with accompanying disclosure documents from the company offering or selling securities and only in the states and provinces for which they are approved. The material in this release is intended to be strictly informational and based on assumptions rather than fact. The companies that are discussed in this release have not approved the statements made in thisrelease nor approved the timing of this release. All statements and expressions are the sole opinion of the creators and are subject to change without notice. Information in this release is derived from a variety of sourcesincluding that company=92s publicly disseminated information, third parties and the writers research and optimistic speculation. The accuracy or completeness of the information is not warranted and is only as reliable as thesources from which it was obtained. All involved in the creation and distribution of this profile/release disclaims any and all liability as to the completeness or accuracy of the information contained and any omissions of material fact in this release. The release may contain technical and factualinaccuracies or typographical errors. It is strongly recommended that any purchase or sale decision be discussed with a financial adviser, or a broker-dealer, or a member of any financial regulatory bodies. Investment in thesecurities of the companies=92 discussed in this release is highly speculative and carries a high degree of risk. All persons involved in the creation and distribution of the information in this letter is not liable for any investment decisions by its readers or subscribers. Investors are cautionedthat they may lose all or a portion of their investment if they make a purchase in this security mentioned. Any mention of past profiles and returns are only advertising ploys.

This profile is not without bias, and is a paid release. Writers and mailers have been compensated for the dissemination of company information on behalf of one or more of the companies mentioned in this release. Parties involved in the creation and distribution of this profile have been compensated 80,000 dollars by a third party (third party), who is non-affiliated, for services provided including dissemination of company information in this release. PR and other individuals and other creators and mailers of this letter will sell all of its original shares during the distribution of this profile. Parties involved may immediately sell some or any shares in a profiled company held by profile creators and may have previously sold shares ina profiled company held by PR Individuals involved. Our Optin mailing services for a company may cause the company=92s stock price to increase, in which event involved parties would make a profit when it sells its stock in the company. In addition, our selling of a company=92s stock may have a negative effect on the market price of the stock.


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Index of Symbols Found

1 2

Note that this number of occurrences may not match the number of occurrences of this symbol listed elsewhere in this database. This is because the symbol counts used elsewhere were generated with a more advanced algorithm that identified more symbols and also ignored identical segments of the same message.